Thursday, September 27, 2012

Clovis Campus!

The Clovis Staff would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to all our faithful volunteers! Your hard work and dedication to serve is AMAZING! Without you, reaching this city would be pretty darn boring- it just wouldn't be the same without you!

Here are some up and coming events you need to know about and help us push!

Men's Workshop

  • Guys!!! If you haven't signed up for this momentous occasion (Men's Workshop) then chances are you haven't received your "MAN" card! If this is the case, we will have no choice but to send you to Word Works with the women! 
  • EARLY BIRD GETS THE WORM! Men this weekend only, our Men's Workshop will only be $15! If you wait to pay at the door, it will be $20 so make sure to capitalize on this opportunity! (Payment covers both food and material for the entire Workshop)

  • Men's Meeting! Come hang out with just the guys next Saturday morning, October 6th, at 9am, Clovis Campus. Great message, Football tickets, BIG giveaways, breakfast burritos, and no women to bother us if we pass gas- enough said. And for every person you bring you will receive another raffle ticket to win! 

Word Works
  • Ladies do we have some great things in store for you this season! Come learn about all the amazing things God has in store for you while enjoying laughs, food, and time without the men and children! What can get any better than that?!

Pastor has given us some powerful words to confess over our lives and our church. He asked specifically that we get these into the hands of all of our volunteers so please help us continue to pray this over our campus!

Celebration Confessions

Father, in the name of Jesus, your Word says that if we decree a thing it shall be established. 

So we boldly decree and declare that Celebration Church is a healed, prosperous, healthy Word church. 

Our church is growing; and is full of people of love, that are led by the spirit of God, Healed by the Word of God, and delivered by the Power of God. 

Celebration Church is a miracle, wonderworking Church that is healthy in mind, body, and soul. 

We are spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically healed, and we declare it by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. 

The love of God is in us to effectively reach out to our families, our neighbors, and our city. 

We enjoy doing the work of the ministry. We serve the Lord with gladness at Celebration Church. 

There are workers with us in abundance. We say that every member at Celebration joyfully functions in their place and in their grace.

The favor of God surrounds Celebration Church as a shield. 

We say there is no lack at Celebration- in the homes, families, businesses, and ministries. We are blessed coming in and going out. Whatever we put our hands to, in agreement with God’s Word, prospers! 

No matter what comes against us, we win because God is FOR US. No weapon formed against us shall prosper. Greater is HE that is in us than he that is in the world.

Father, you said let the redeemed of the Lord say so! So, we say that WE ARE THE RE-DEEMED! WE SAY WE ARE THE HEALED! WE SAY WE ARE THE BLESSED!


Volunteer of the Week is- 

Derek Hatt!
Derek Hatt is a faithful volunteer that serves in our ushering department. There are few people in this world that are as optimistic as our friend Derek! His smile lifts those that are down and his kindness is felt by all those that come in contact with him. The staff caught him red handed last week picking up trash around our campus- long after the service was over! Now thats some ownership! He shows up when scheduled and is always willing to cover a shift for a teammate! Thank you Derek for going above and beyond, we love having the opportunity to serve with you!

Clovis Volunteers we love you! Thank you for all that you do ever weekend to see souls added to the Kingdom of God! Let's have a great weekend together!

Clovis Team :)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Season of INCREASE!!!

We are reaching this Valley! Soul by soul they are coming in and you watch how this movement explodes and turns into a raging river! Clovis volunteers you aren't just greeting at the front doors, or working the parking lot, or helping in a classroom, you are expanding God's Kingdom! 

Is there a greater cause on this Earth?! 

Thank you for all that you do. I know we sound like the boy who cried wolf every week, thanking you constantly, but we are sincere in our thankfulness. Keep up the good work! 

United Vibes
We are rallying the troops for a BIG, FAT, United Vibe this weekend! Come expecting to get some great direction for us as leaders!

<Saturday- 5pm, Sunday-9am, Big Kic Auditorium>

Wild Fire to Spread on our Campus: 

Men's Workshop
As men, we aspire to be a leader that others can respect, that others look up to. We want to live a life worth talking about long after we're gone. Celebration is about raising up those men! On October 3rd we will begin our 6 week quest to equip and prepare you to be a husband, a father, a brother, and a man of God that's full of power, ready to do powerful things in this Earth! Tons of food, tons of laughs, and tons of opportunity to meet other guys and generate great discussions. As leaders, please help us get the word out! Grab a stack of invite cards and let's get guys there! They need it! 

<Starting October 3rd, Wednesday Nights, 7pm, $20, Childcare provided>

Men's Meeting
Guys if you stay home and miss this Men's meeting, I swear we will de-man you in a hot second!--- if you catch my drift---
In all seriousness, men, God has got something for you at this meeting but the real question is, will you be man enough to get it? Don’t be a weenie and allow tiredness, a football game, or anything stand in your way. This is your season of INCREASE baby!
Did I mention all the fun stuff that’s going to be going on?
- BIG Giveaways
- 49er vs. Rams Tickets
- Raider vs. Saints Tickets
- $100 Tattoo work
- K-9 Training sit-in for four guys
- Breakfast Burrito Vendor ($2 a burrito)
- More surprises to come!
                           <Saturday, October 6th, 9am, Clovis Campus>

Word Works
Ladies, there is almost too much fun going on at these Word Work sessions! Come learn how to become a mighty woman of God while enjoying some food and laughs with other women that are excited to make their lives better and better. There are six sessions to catch and you won’t want to miss a single one! Get signed up this weekend at our Workshop Table, and let the fun begin!

<Starting October 3rd, Wednesday Nights, 7pm, $5, Childcare provided>

Mic Night
Ladies! On Word Works will be hosting “Open Mic Night"! There will be stand-up comedy, music and performances you will not want to miss, along with appetizers, mocktails and drawings all night long. This event will take place at Sign-up this weekend at the Events & Outreach table!

< Friday, September 28th, Classic Catering, Old Town Clovis, 7-10pm, $20>

Volunteer of the Week!

Heidi Colasanti!

Heidi has been going above and beyond like no other! Heidi volunteers at Guest Services, stepping in at a moments notice to cover her team and to make that sure that her spot shines every weekend! She has recently brought someone new to the church and if that isn’t good enough, she got them to start volunteering! Way to go Heidi!!! She does what she does with 100% effort- even with a huge family! Thank you so much Heidi for being a great friend and volunteer, we love you so much!


Clovis Leaders, I wanted to share with you an email my mom wrote to us a while back. I've shared this before but I feel it is worthy to be shared again. It communicates the importance and value of each of our roles on our campus and I believe it will help give us perspective, empowering us to be more effective leaders when our doors open. Enjoy:

A Sunday Drive & Lesson Learned

Most Sundays I wake up to a before-sunrise alarm clock and set out on an early morning drive to the Fresno Campus. The roads are empty. The dew lingers on the grass and the sun pokes through the valley sky. Everything is generally pretty quiet and peaceful.

After my general inspection of Fresno Campus & my connection with the campus staff & volunteers I jump in my car & speed to the next stop, Clovis Campus. And it seems I’ve kind of developed a routine that keeps me from noticing what is happening all around our city.

Today I took notice and found that:

• At about 7:30am the fig loop park is buzzing with activity, especially on a beautiful fall morning like today.
• Somewhere near 9am boats are in Costco gas station filling up for a day on a beautiful lake somewhere.
• About the same time, the local Starbucks is full of casual coffee-drinkers sipping their drink of choice and reveling in a good read & college students are intently doing homework.
• Afternoon as I drive by Fashion Fair Mall, the parking lot is full & lines form at the local restaurants.
I was amused by all the activity that happens each and every week while I’m serving the place I'd rather be more than anywhere else.

However, I have to admit I was easily tempted by each of their activities. All equally enjoyable things that I would be eager to do if given a lazy Sunday morning.

My lesson learned today is that sometimes I forget what the rest of the world is doing. I forget what is competing for their attention. I forget what a commitment and sacrifice it is for them to attend church rather than one of these activities that so easily "woos" them.

Church Leaders & Staff, don’t forget! Don’t forget what we’re competing with. Do everything you can to create a place as compelling as any one of these other environments. Because if we can create the place, they’ll experience something that none of these other things can ever do… provide them an encounter with Jesus, their Creator and Savior. Allow God to work through us, NOT in spite of us. Be excited & grateful that God is using us to impact lives! 

The truth is, it's really not about us. Serving God's House is about Him and the thousands of lost, hurting, and broken lives in this valley. So let's give it ALL we got.. Let's be committed, effective, excited, passionate, friendly, contagious, and create the most irresistible environment that can compete with the best this world has to offer. LET'S WIN THIS CITY!!!

Clovis Team

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Hey, what's up Clovis Leaders!

Praying that all of you are experiencing the Increase of God this week. This is the Word of the Lord for each of us personally & corporately. Let's make sure we are putting pressure on Increase, mixing faith & expecting Increase to show up in our lives, personally & as a church. Remember, it starts with getting Increase on our mind...It's on God's mind for us, but we must get it on our mind to position us to receive it.

Here are 2 specific areas of Increase that YOU (as a leader) can help us fight for as a church:

1) Increase of Souls- Our biggest goal as a church is to impact lives. Save the lost. How? Get them to  church. Let's aggressively & boldly go after the lost of this city, filling up our services with those need the life changing power of Jesus.

2) Increase of Volunteers- One of the greatest needs we have at our campus is MORE volunteers, in every area. It takes over 100 volunteers to properly serve God's people EACH service. Every leader (that's means you) should recruit 1 person to volunteer on your team..and then we DOUBLE! Think of how much of a greater impact we can make with a leadership base TWICE our size?! Let's do it!!

The truth is, somewhere deep inside all of us, we have a desire to advance the Kingdom of God in this city and impact people's lives forever. Let's rise up as a body, a team, with each of us doing our part, and collectively we can position ourselves for God to blow our minds!

Other Important Info:

- United Vibes- This Weekend!
This weekend we are going to join together as one BIG happy family and have United Vibes together! On Saturday we will meet promptly at 5pm and on Sunday morning we will meet at 9am in the Big Kic auditorium. Let's get there pumped and ready to hear some great vision for our campus!

- Wednesday Workshops
These last two sessions of our Married and Single's workshop has been CRAZY fun! Great teaching, opportunities to ask questions, & a great way to meet other people. We still have two more sessions left, don't be a party pooper and miss out! Also, mark your calendars for Men's and Word Works- it will be here before you know it! Stop by the table and grab some invite cards to help spread the word :)

- ATTENTION MEN: Men's Gathering 
On Saturday morning, October 6th, at 9am- the MEN will come together to get their world rocked! We'll kick it off with a hearty breakfast that will jump start you for an incredible service with Pastor Randy and Damon Thompson. Don't miss the food, fun, giveaways, and awesome teaching that morning. And fellas, make sure to bring another guy with you; don't hog all the fun to yourself!

Ladies! On Friday, September 28th, Word Works will be hosting“Open Mic Night"! There will be stand-up comedy, music and performances you will not want to miss, along with appetizers, mocktails and drawings all night long. This event will take place at Classic Catering in Old Town Clovis from 7-10pm and the price is $20. Sign-up this weekend at the Events & Outreach table!

A big CONGRATULATIONS to our Volunteer of the Week-

Kathy Khan! 

 Besides using her beautiful voice to serve on the Worship Team, Kathy has always been one to go above the call of duty in many other areas. She frequently helps us at the lobby tables and "reels em' in" with her contagious smile. Kathy loves to donate whatever she can get here hands on for the church and is a great leader in Word Works. One more thing! She also does a terrific job inviting people to church! Kathy thank you for being a terrific leader and volunteer on our campus, we love serving with you and are excited to see your future get brighter and brighter! Thanks!

Clovis Leaders thank you so much for stepping up to the plate and serving God's house. We can't impact this city without your involvement, passion & faithfulness. We appreciate each and every one of you!

See you this weekend!

Clovis Staff

Friday, September 7, 2012


Increase More, More Increase!
What an amazing weekend we just came out of!  Don’t let the word of more and increase pass you by like a kid that missed his school bus- this is the season we've stepped into, and it’s what we’re believing to see in your life!

If you live in a cave and haven't heard, Wednesday night Workshops are the place to be! We had a blast last night and there are still 3 more sessions to go. 
  • For married couples, we have Sex, Love and Communication and Sexual Revolution for the singles. Childcare is available and the 2spot is open for jr. high through high school.   
  • These workshops are a great opportunity to develop personally and build new relationships. As a leader, make it a priority to be there and encourage others to come as well!
  • Even if you have a great marriage or single life, it can always get better! And we can definitely use your expertise to help develop others who may not be where your at, remember, once we become leaders it's not about us anymore! :) 
Ecstatic Events!
  • The Philippines Benefit Dinner is Friday, September 14th! If you are securing a donation, or part of a team that’s making a basket for the auction, they are due by this Sunday, September 9th.  Tickets are still available to attend the dinner, and can be purchased at the Events & Outreach table.  It will be a night of fun and entertainment, so be sure to get your ticket this weekend!
  • If you are a Jr. High or High School student that can't stand keeping your feet on the ground Sky walk is the place for you!  2SM will be hosting an all night event tomorrow night (Friday, Sept 7th) starting at 11pm. The party lasts until 7:30am and you can pay there for only $25. Don't miss out on the fun! 

Congratulations to our Volunteer of the Week- 

Paula Johnson! 
 What doesn't Paula do is the real question! Paula is an avid Kic volunteer that never misses a chance to serve on a weekend and on any extra nights that we have childcare. Besides helping Kic she has also helped 2SM greatly by carpooling kids from Clovis to Fresno on their 2SM nights. Paula is extremely faithful to our morning prayer services and doesn't just spectate but participates in all of prayer targets. She is so kind and friendly and we want to thank you for all of your hard work. We love you and are looking forward to the bright future ahead for you!  
Leaders! Let's be in expectation for what’s going to happen in this weekend’s services as we walk into this new season as a church!  Continue to invite friends/family/coworkers to the services and give them the opportunity to have their life impacted just like yours is.  Thank you for your continued faithfulness to serve this house.  We love you and look forward to seeing you this weekend!
Clovis Staff