Hats off to you Clovis volunteers. You have all done a tremendous job at loving and caring for people that have been coming through our doors. Whether you are setting up a classroom or offering a hot cup of coffee, remember that the hundreds of lives that we are seeing saved and changed is because of YOU. You may not be preachin' up a storm every weekend but by adding your piece to the puzzle we are witnessing God save a city. Thank you!
The bus is moving so make sure you don't get left behind! Here are some events and dates to mark down:
Let's be honest, everyone needs a little "pick me up" in the middle of the week. You may have resorted to Starbucks to fill this need by overindulging yourself with 8 pumps of espresso but how about giving our Men's and Women's ministries a shot! On Wednesday nights, From 7pm to 8:30pm at the Clovis Campus, we will be cramming your little belly so full of spiritual espresso that you won't need to waste $10 on a cup of coffee! These workshops (Men's and Wordworks) will be kicking off on September 7th along with our Jr. High workshops. Don't worry about finding a babysitter either, we have the best children's classes around so that you can focus on building a better you. Help us get the word out, it's going to be awesome!
Cannon Ball!!! Celebration has been known to throw down some mean pool parties and you are officially invited to our next one! Ok, it's not a real pool party but at least at this one you won't have to see your great Uncle Bob's hairy belly.... you're welcome. The pool parties that we have at Celebration involve baptizing tons of people and watching God instantly transform their lives! Come support those who are being baptized next Wednesday night and I can bet you a shiny penny that God will change your life too as you take part in one of the most powerful services Celebration has to offer.
Unless you are planning to give birth between the hours of 6pm to 8:30pm on Sunday, September 4th you are REQUIRED to be apart of our Sunday night service. Well I can't force you to come but word on the street is Glen Bertou will be bringing the heat so if your ready for an awesome service make sure to get your booty there!
Inviting people to church is a good thing to do, would you say so yourself? You might not get a trophy at the end of your life acknowledging the fact that you told people about God and pointed them to Christ but when your bones are in the dirt and your spirit is in Heaven, brother that's all that's gonna matter! We want eternity to go well for you so we've got the perfect chance for you to get involved. Next Thursday night, at 6:30pm, we will be meeting at Clovis to pass out Invite Cards to the surrounding area. Coming together as a team we can accomplish great things and advance the Kingdom of God in the City of Clovis, so if you think you've got what it takes we'll see you Thursday on the Battlefield! (aka Clovis Campus)
Lastly, lets go into this weekend with a focus and a determination that we've never had before. Let's allow our faith in God to go through the roof as we believe for our building to be full of lost souls, hurting people, and nationalities of every kind. We've got a assignment to reach a city and it's not just Pastor Randy's job to get them to Christ, YOU have been chosen and appointed by God to be at the job your at and in the neighborhood you're in to further His cause. Don't quit now, we've just begun to see our best days yet!
***Check out this blog post by Matthew Barnett- it'll rock your world!
I Think I’m Going To Quit
People ask me the question all the time, have you ever thought of quitting? I can answer that question in 0.2 seconds with a YES! The first five years of being a pastor, I wanted to quit every morning, afternoon, and evening. In fact, several times, I did get in my car at 10 pm at night and head back home to my mega church in Phoenix down the 10 freeway from Los Angeles. In the midst of this confession, I have found that the desire to quit is confirmation of the calling. Look at the Bible, ever story that we rejoice over is usually the story of someone who faced an unbearable desire to want to quit. The attacks were sometimes armies that were so big it discouraged a prophet. Other times, it was something so simple like a threat from Jezebel that sent Elijah under the broom tree. Life is funny, sometimes we don’t understand the factors that set us off but if we are honest, we will all say that more than once we’ve wanted to quit.
But hold on! Wanting to quit is not a bad thing! Wanting to quit is actually a sign of success because it means that you have something to quit. The fact that you want to quit means that you have something of value that is worthy of being attacked. One thing I’ve learned, EVERY TIME YOU OVERCOME THE DESIRE TO QUIT YOU WALK IN A GREAT LEVEL OF GOD’S ANOINTING. In other words, the greater the desire to quit, usually the greater reward on the other side. I have found that most of the time they go hand in hand. That’s why we have to learn to rejoice when faced with the desire to quit. Are you kidding me? Rejoice? When I want to quit? Absolutely! The Bible is full of the most explosive miracles that came right after someone was faced with a tremendous desire to throw in the towel. Our God is so great that even when we do throw in the towel he always hands us another one.
There are some victories and miracles that only come by crashing through these quitting points. Most miracles are not a product of ONE BIG THING that happened to us but a lot of twenty-four hour victories of just holding on long enough to see the blessing. I encourage you that the next time quitting becomes an option, and it will, think about the reward on the other side of blasting through that feeling and trusting in the long term blessings of being faithful. When it’s all said and done, our Lord will say to us, “Well done thou good and faithful servant.” The faithful servant looks quit in the eye, sees the blessing on the other side, and just keeps going.