Thursday, October 27, 2011

Clovis Rocks My Socks Off!

Clovis Volunteers! We absolutely, positively love you all! Isn't it funny how we're almost closer than family now? At one point (when you first came to the church) you probably thought we were all crazy but just look at you! You're crazy too!

The Chair
We just wanted to thank you guys for making a big effort to get people out to our Chair Series these last two weekends. Wasn't that fun to see so many new people surrender their lives to Christ! Keep passin' out those invites, it's working!

This Weekend!!!
Here's what you need to know about it: 

Rivaling Disneyland, KIC is definitely the happiest place on earth! This weekend every KIC Volunteer will be arrayed in a costume to welcome children. But the fun doesn't stop there, we would also like to encourage you to dress up your child in a costume as well! Not only will they get the chance to make a fun craft but when they are done with it it will be filled with candy! What a great selling point to get your neighbors to come to church with you- wink* wink*
Well 2SM wasn't going to let KIC have all the fun because this Sunday 2SM will be renting out Cal-Skate and hosting a costume skate night! If your child has always dreamed of dressing up like batman and roller skating at the same time, this is his chance...
Volunteer Orientation
As you know, the way we are running our volunteer process has changed. People can pick up an Interest Card at the table and by filling out the information we can begin to fit people into the best spot. This weekend, immediately following our Sunday morning service, the staff will be meeting in the Big KIC auditorium to meet with these new prospects. We will be communicating the importance and the heart behind serving and want to encourage you to come if you would like to. Besides being quick and fun, it will also help infuse your heart with a passion to serve again :)

Sorry i just needed to get that off of my chest. If you haven't been apart of our Wednesday night On the Wall service you better have a really good excuse why you haven't been! It's not that we want a full building so we can brag to other Pastors about our awesome services- it's not about that at all- it's about pushing your life and this movement to a whole 'notha level! The bottom line is that you win the battle in prayer. Not by watching another sitcom or taking another night to relax, it takes prayer and faith to win this battle. Some of you are facing some legitimate challenges and your life can and will change by getting involved in prayer. So come out this Wednesday night and show the devil who's boss in this city! 

In closing...

As I watched many of you these last two weeks during our Chair Series I noticed that some of you were ecstatic. "She's coming!" you said, "My friend from work who said she would never come to church is coming this weekend to see The Chair!" And another, "My son is coming! He's been having a rough time lately and finally surrendered to all of my invites." After encountering this "buzz" I thought to myself, "This could happen every weekend!" Why not? That buzz you encountered wasn't just an emotional rush, that buzz was put their by God when you were born again. Our goal and objective in life isn't to own a boat, it's to save that which is lost; to point people to a saving King. When we do that, it satisfies that burden for souls that God has placed on the inside of our hearts. I invited a friend to come last weekend but he never showed, should I quit on him? No way! Keep the invites going, our Heavenly Father is depending on us!

With that being said- who are you inviting to church this weekend?! Pastor is beginning a new series entitled, "Is God Really Good?" There are multitudes of hurting people out in your circles of influence that need to hear of the good God we serve, so invite, invite, invite!!!

Love ya!
Clovis Staff

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Truck Bed Talk

A Sunday Drive & Lesson Learned

A Sunday Drive & Lesson Learned

Most Sundays I wake up to a before-sunrise alarm clock and set out on an early morning drive to the Fresno Campus. The roads are empty. The dew lingers on the grass and the sun pokes through the valley sky. Everything is generally pretty quiet and peaceful.

After my general inspection of Fresno Campus & my connection with the campus staff & volunteers I jump in my car & speed to the next stop, Clovis Campus. And it seems I’ve kind of developed a routine that keeps me from noticing what is happening all around our city. 

Today I took noticed and found that:

•At about 7:30am the fig loop park is buzzing with activity, especially on a beautiful fall morning like today.
•somewhere near 9:00 boats are in Costco gas station filling up for a day on a beautiful lake somewhere
•About the same time, the local Starbucks is full of casual coffee-drinkers sipping their drink of choice and reveling in a good read & college students are intently doing homework
• afternoon as I drive by Fashion Fair Mall, the parking lot is full & lines form at the local restaurants 

I was amused by all the activity that happens each and every week while I’m serving the place I'd rather be more than anywhere else. 

However, I have to admit I was easily tempted by each of their activities. All equally enjoyable things that I would be eager to do if given a lazy Sunday morning.

My lesson learned today is that sometimes I forget what the rest of the world is doing. I forget what is competing for their attention. I forget what a commitment and sacrifice it is for them to attend church rather than one of these activities that so easily woos them.

Church Leaders & Staff, don’t forget! Don’t forget what we’re competing with. Do everything you can to create a place as compelling as any one of these other environments. Because if we can create the place, they’ll experience something that none of these other things can ever do… provide them an encounter with Jesus, their Creator and Savior.

Corina Burgess

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Chair and Prayer

Clovis Owners! We Love You!

There are all sorts of chairs in this world. Big ones, small ones, and even chairs that have cushions. But we all know that it's not necessarily the chair that's important, but rather the person that the chair holds up.

At our church, we have incredible people with incredible lives that sit in our our ordinary chairs every week, and for these next two weekends we have the opportunity to hear their stories. Stories of hope and stories of life transformation that will cause us to laugh, cry, and for some, to make a life altering decision. What a shame it would be for us to waste this awesome window of opportunity! Getting people saved is our number one goal at our weekend services and if we are not taking advantage of the influence that God has given us in our various spheres, then we are missing the very point of being alive on this earth... now that's a pill to swallow! Please don't see this as a rebuke by any means but see it as a challenge to be aggressive during our short stay on this planet. The Chair Series is going to AMAZING and many new people will be joining us, so please lock arms and help these next two weekends by attending every service you can. If you normally come on Saturday night come again on Sunday to help push the atmosphere- we need your gorgeous, smiling face! Let's have fun this weekend and remember- Invite, invite, invite!!!!!!!!

Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing like going to the lake, or having a lazy day that brings you and I refreshment, but the Bible clearly states that there is no kind of refreshing and satisfaction that comes outside of God's very presence. There's no words that can express the feeling you get when the Holy Spirit breathes life into you, and there's also a limited amount of vocabulary to explain the awesome surged of energy you get as you take dominion through prayer. Come be apart of our Wednesday services starting this week as we push to the next level personally and corporately. If you have never experienced an On The Wall service you are in for a real treat! Let's unite and buy into the vision for this movement- this Valley is depending on it :)

With much love,
Your Clovis Staff