Friday, March 30, 2012


Clovis Volunteers! 
Oh how we love you! 

First of all we would like to say thank you for "tuning in" to our weekly blog! Our goal on this website is to infuse you with vision as we march ahead and take this city for the kingdom of God, so thank you for taking the time to read through this post :)  

I know we say it every week and sure we may sound like a broken record or a CD on repeat but this is a weekend that you cannot afford to miss! If you haven't heard we are going to be packing Clovis out this weekend with Matthew Barnett on Saturday night, Pastor Randy on Sunday morning, and then Glen Berteau on Sunday night- what a privilege to hear from these powerful men of God! In great anticipation  Pastor himself said that this weekend is a crucial platform to launch us into our Easter production. These two men have a HUGE heart to see souls saved and people won to Christ and that's why we chose this weekend to bring them in, to help "launch" us into the next weekend where we will see the masses come to Christ! This is going to be one of the few times that we ask you as leaders of our campus to double up on services this weekend, and I hope you can see why. So bottom line Clovis Leaders, don't let the rocket ship take off without you- hop aboard the "platform" with us and let's take off!

With that being said, we still have much more flyers, invite cards, and posters to get out into our community this next week so like your teacher always told you,"Take and pass!" Great stories of business owners and families finding creative ways to "take and pass" for this Easter production have already been coming in. One mom told us that she was able to talk to the principle of her children's school and give flyers to over 100 kids! Another business owner has been placing a flyer in every grocery bag of there store for people to see, and yet another bold elementary school girl told us she was able to pass one out to everyone in her class. So what's going to be your story this Easter?! Don't let this opportunity for souls to be saved pass you up, you are where you are for a reason!

Last but not least, I am proud to announce that we not only have a volunteer of the week but we have
VOLUNTEERS of the week!!! A big, huge thank you to all of you that helped put in our new flooring this week, we absolutely could not have done it without you! Thank you for going above the call of duty to make God's house excellent, we love you!

Thank you again for tuning in, we will see you this weekend!

Clovis Staff

Friday, March 23, 2012

March Happiness, Not Madness...

And now the moment everyone's been waiting for. It is the Clovis Staff's great pleasure to announce
as the Volunteer of the Week!

Thank you Rick for being a superstar Volunteer! You have gone over and above in your time and efforts to make our Clovis Campus a success and we sincerely appreciate all you've done. Thank you for being willing to step in and help in any way, it has truly been an honor serving with you! 

Friday, March 16, 2012


What's up Clovis Leaders!

It is your Clovis Staff again, hoping everyone is having a wonderful week so far. It's Friday, so that alone should make everyone a little bit happier :)

We have some important information that we want to empower each and every one of you with as we head into this weekend where lives will be FOREVER CHANGED by our AWESOME GOD. You know, God is always ready and willing to impact lives in a powerful way, but He is on the lookout for leaders and vessels to move THROUGH... that's US! As the leaders and volunteers of our campus, we have to see ourselves correctly. We are LEADERS! And the effectiveness of the weekend hinges on our LEADERSHIP and our ability to be READY & WILLING vessels for God to move through. In other words, we cannot sit back and wait to see what God does this weekend, we have to do our part by:

1) Being Prayed Up!
 Full of Faith and Expectation for God to do GREAT things this weekend. Remember, our FAITH is what moves God to do Signs, Wonders & Miracles.

2) Get the word out!
 Invite someone with you. The greatest opportunity to "throw out the net for salvation" happens at the end of every service. If we don't bring people, how will they experience God???

3) Create an Irresistible Environment!
As Pastor Randy says, "our service experience alone will not keep people coming back.. but it's the friendly, exciting, welcoming environment and relationships that will cause people to stick!"  So this weekend & EVERY weekend, when our feet hit the campus, it's GAME-TIME!  Let's be the most friendly, welcoming, excited volunteers these people have ever met & let's seek out people who look or feel awkward/uncomfortable and make them feel at home!

If we will do our part, God will definitely do His part!

INFORMACION IMPORTANTE: (a lil' Espanol for our Honduras Team getting ready)

Vision Night
If the Super Bowl, Disneyland, and the Olympics all came together to put on one show it would not even scratch the surface of how awesome this next Wednesday night is going to be! We are coining it Vision Night and we will be unveiling some vital "informacion" for you as volunteers, and the body. This will take the place of our GOAL meeting that we had planned so your attendance is MUY IMPORTANTE! I promise you will be bummed if you skip out on this opportunity to get some vision for where we are going- NO STAYING HOME AND EATING COCO PUFFS!!!

Celebration Exposed/Discipleship Class
As a staff, we quickly wanted to share with you two things that are ongoing at our campus that you can help us point people to. One of our main objectives at Celebration is to make people feel as cozy at our church as they are at home reading the newspaper in their slippers. One way that we do that is by inviting them to come out to our once a month new comers luncheon called Celebration Exposed. This cost free, catered lunch happens every third Sunday of the month and immediately follows the service. It's here that they can ask any questions about the church, meet the campus staff, and find out what Celebration has to offer. If you run into anyone that's new, or perhaps you bring someone for the first time, take them to the Events and Outreach table and get them signed up for it! On every third Tuesday of the month we also have a Discipleship class that we offer for anyone wanting to find out how to strengthen their relationship with Christ. It's here that they will get some practical steps on how to pray, read their Bible, what it means to be saved, etc.- a great class for anyone that recently gave their lives to Christ! Please help us reach these people during the weekends!

CANNON BALL!!! Baptisms are taking place on Wednesday night, March 28th! This is by far one of the best services Celebration has every other month so we just wanted to give you a heads up so that won't miss out. If you would like to be dunked and take part in the miracle of baptism, please head to Guest Services this weekend and sign up!


It is our great pleasure to announce Joseph as our Volunteer of the week! Joseph has been a shining light in our parking lot, sharing his friendly smile with everyone that he comes into contact with. As Pastor drove into the parking lot he specifically said that he loves the way Joseph does his job! He does it with such excitement and enthusiasm-that helps to create the exact environment that he wants on our campuses. Job well done Joseph! Thank you!

And thank you to EVERYONE who continually makes our campus a success every week! Thank you for loving God to the extent that you are willing to help the ones that He loves- it is an honor serving with you!

Clovis Staff

Friday, March 9, 2012



Thank you so much for taking a few minutes to check our blog this week. It's so important for our volunteer base (our team) to be on the same page: full of vision, direction, and to be properly informed so that we can collectively make the greatest impact possible every single weekend. So thank you for valuing your position as a leader on our campus and staying in the loop with our blog site.

We hope each of you have had a wonderful week so far. We want to encourage everyone to really get AGGRESSIVE in going after the GREATER THINGS that God has for our lives. God truly desires GREATNESS in our marriages, in our physical health, in our finances, in our businesses, and every other area of our lives. But we have to go after it! As a staff, we are praying for you and your families every week, believing God for His best in your lives. We are committed to fighting and seeing it happen for each one of you! That's the beauty of being a part of a team/a family, you can be rest assured that they have your back. And we so appreciate your service, faithfulness and commitment to this ministry. We would be making no where near the impact we are making in this valley without your involvement! THANK YOU!

Since we are talking a little bit about the GREATER THINGS God has for us, we also know that God has GREATER THINGS for this ministry and our campus. Let's keep doing our part so that God can do His part; allowing God to work through us, and not inspite of us. BIG faith, BIG expectation, and BIG invites are what God should see from us as He looks down from heaven. He should be pleasantly surprised by His children in Fresno and Clovis, working so diligently for His purpose as we establish His Kingdom in this Valley. So what does that look like? Glad you asked my friend, that looks like:

Willing and ready to believe God for everything He said we can be and have.

Clovis is ready and ripe with harvest, let's go gather em' up!

The church is the hope of the world, get passionate about sharing Jesus with those that come. Let's create an atmosphere that they can't resist coming back to!

I hope you can grab ahold of those three things that can take us personally and corporately to a new level. Let's live life on purpose and go higher!

We also wanted to congratulate ROBERT HODGES on being our Volunteer of the Week!

Thank you Robert for continually going the extra mile to make our campus such a success every week. We absolutely appreciate all of your recent efforts in helping us with our lighting in the building- it's nice being able to read my Bible in church! Thank you again, we can't stress it enough!

Last but not least, it's that time of year again to set your clocks forward! On Saturday don't go to bed without first winding those clocks forward. Sure it might feel like you've only slept for 3 hours, but just think how good that Sunday nap is going to feel! Please help us stir up an excited, expecting atmosphere that morning, we need your help as leaders to be on time and ready to go! The people can't go where the leaders haven't first gone so it's on our job to be on the edge of our seats, pushing the devil out of our city!

We love you all like a bird loves to sing :) Can't wait to see you this weekend!

Clovis Campus Staff

Friday, March 2, 2012


A Big Hello to ALL of our awesome Clovis Leaders!

We hope you guys have had a "Greater Things" kind of week, and if not, don't worry because our God is BIG, He is GOOD & so FAITHFUL.  Stay FOCUSED on the Word (the vision) NOT on the natural circumstances around you! And keep running after the "Greater Things" because they ARE COMING to you and your families!

So, with that said, we want to make sure that everyone has TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT, EXPECTATION, AND VISION for this upcoming weekend!!  Remember, our EXCITEMENT level is a direct indication of our FAITH level. That means if we aren't excited, we aren't in faith, believing and anticipating something GREAT from God.  This weekend we have Damon Thompson with us and more importantly we have GOD with us.  Last time Damon was here we had a huge HARVEST of SOULS!  The best part is we can have that all over again (even better) if we will DO OUR PART...

With that said, here is some VISION for ALL of us as we enter this weekend:

          - Let's be prayed up. Let's be expecting GREAT THINGS. Let's believe for a BIG Harvest of souls.
          - Start getting the word out there, post on social media what YOU are believing for this weekend.
          - Let's stir up excitement in us and in others.

          - We can have another great harvest of souls this weekend & every weekend BUT only if we invite.
          - We have to do our part, put our hands to work & then God is FAITHFUL to do His part.
          - Who has God been putting on your heart?? Now go invite them, I dare you :)

          - When our feet hit the campus, it's game-time.
          - As leaders, we are the thermostats. We set the "temperature" or atmosphere of our campus.
          - Let's create a FUN, WELCOMING, EXCITING, EXPECTING, HIGH-ENERGY environment.
          - Remember, the environment aids & assists the Spirit & Word of God to go forth.
          - Let's go out of our way this weekend to meet someone new.

Reminder for ALL of us:

* We have posted our monthly calendar at the bottom of the post to keep everyone updated and informed.

We want to highlight 2 things on the calendar:

* "On The Wall" Prayer & Worship Service on Wednesday nights 7pm for the month of March.
* Finance Workshop on Thursday nights at 6:30pm. "Financial Peace" w/ Dave Ramsey. It's AWESOME!

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for... it's time to announce the volunteer of the week! This individual has given 110% this last month in making our Men's Ministry a huge success on both campuses. He has used the amazing cooking abilities God has given him to serve people and we wanted to honor him this week as the volunteer of the week, this gentleman is none other than-

Danny Sims!

Thank you Danny for giving your valuable time, energy, and efforts to advance the Kingdom of God. It's an honor serving with you and we appreciate you SO MUCH at the Clovis Campus. Thank you!

We love and appreciate each and every one of you! See you this weekend!

Clovis Staff