Friday, June 29, 2012

Summer Rain Baby!

Hey Clovis volunteers, has anybody been experiencing some rain lately?! 

We just want to thank you for placing value on reading this blog post; thank you for being a leader that's hungry to hear about what's going on at their campus! Here are some key things that you can help us push as leaders: 

- Community is the word of the day! Community is the clockwork of a successful ministry, but what does community actually look like? Here are some examples:

  • Grabbing a bite to eat after church with another couple. 
  • Joining a Home Workshop.
  • Going to a movie with a group of singles. 
  • Firing up the BBQ in the back with other volunteers and smacking the volley ball around. 
  • Fishing at the lake with a few guys from the Men's group. 
And the list goes on! 

Here's the thing. Before you got saved you went out every Friday night and partied the night away with your friends, but once you became a Christian you thought your fun had to end. WRONG! The fun has just begun! Because now you know you don't have to have 7 shots of tequila to have a good time! 

Let's be a church that isn't afraid to have fun. So today, we officially give you the freedom and liberty to have fun- so have at it!!! We challenge you this week to put some community to work! 

- BIG BIG BIG!!! This Sunday night is BIG! Pastor Randy is on assignment to bring a very special word concerning rain this Sunday night, so help us get the word out to friends, family, co-workers, and whoever you believe needs this word. Let's get some rain!!!

- Finally, we would proudly like to announce our Volunteer of the Week!!! That volunteer is none other than...

Dora Dozier!!!

Dora is truly a magnificent person to have on your team. She is one of a kind! Every time Dora serves in KIC she serves with her whole heart and that is hard to find these days. She is always so willing to serve and in so many other ways too: from generously donating a giant puzzle-mat to the nursery to allowing her home to be used as a hang out for 2SM Dora does it all! You are truly a blessing to the kingdom of God! We are believing with you that every seed of time, effort, and resources you have sown into God's house will be given back to you in great abundance. We love you and thank you so much!

We love you Clovis Volunteers! We want you to know that we are praying for you throughout our week and are excited to see what this summer rain is going to produce in your life. Let's have a great weekend together!

With love,
Your Clovis Staff

Friday, June 22, 2012

When it Rains, it Pours!

"Hey man, how are you doing today?" The 20-something year old turned. I noticed his eyes were red and wet from tears shed. I proceed to introduce myself and he did likewise. "I just had the best day of my life." He said, as tears tried to make their way out again. "God touched me in this service today and I'm so glad that I came with these people." I met his acquaintances that brought him that Father's Day service and then he said something that I probably won't ever forget. "You see, the reason why I'm crying so much is because I never had a father," with a quiver in his voice he proceeded, "And isn't it like God to come and be my Father on Father's Day." I fought back tears myself and thought about you; all of you that pour out your efforts, your time, and your energy to see people like Paul come to meet their Father. I hope you don't see your job as pointless or insignificant because that's exactly what the enemy would like you to think. His biggest desire is that our doors would close and people like Paul would never step foot into a place where their purpose could come alive. Thank you Clovis Volunteers for doing what you're doing- it's working!!! 

Here is our blog. Designed to give vision and direction, and to equip us as leaders. Enjoy! 

We are in a season of rain; therefore our job is to prepare for that rain. How do we do that?
1) Ask for rain in the time of rain.
2) Look for clouds of all shapes and sizes. 
3) Send those Cloud Reports- click HERE to share!

Campus Updates:

- It's happened again! Pastor has called for another night of prayer! Something extraordinary is happening in these Prayer Services so make every possible effort to attend prayer this Wednesday at 7pm. Let's come together and pray for the Summer Rain!

Looking for more?! Our Home Workshops are a great start! Learn valuable life skills for all the different areas of your life and have fun doing it with other great people at our church! Spots are filling up quick, so sign up this weekend at the Workshop Table and see your life change!

- There are two things kids love- SUMMER and CANDY! That's why on Friday, July 20th, KIC is putting on a children's conference called CANDY CRAVE. This is an event that your kids will not forget! Unlimited candy, three great meals, and an entire day packed with fun and excitement! Get them signed up at our Events and Outreach table this weekend. Your kids will thank you! 

- 2SM will be bouncing around at Skywalk on June 29th! If you have any junior high-high school age kids, sign them up this weekend! Skywalk is a giant bounce house where they can play dodgeball and basketball, or just bounce the night away on trampolines! The cover charge is $25 (needed by Wednesday, June 27th).

- Finally, we would like to announce our Volunteer of the Week.... You know him, you love him.....

Art Heredia!!!

Art is more than just a volunteer, he goes above and beyond the call of duty. He is always early and willing to stay late! Art is passionate about serving. It could be a cool 68 degrees or a scorching 108 and yet Art is still insistent about serving! We would also like to thank you Art for honoring Andrew and Charissa by volunteering to lead the parking team at their wedding! You are the definition of an excellent volunteer!

Thank you leaders, it is a pleasure serving with you! 

Clovis Staff 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Turn Up the HEAT!!!

Hey Clovis Volunteers! 
Thank you so much for taking the time in your busy day to read this blog. It's very much appreciated!

We wanted to take a moment to talk a little leadership perspective.  The WHO we are, WHAT we do, WHY we do it, and the HOW we do it as leaders here at Celebration. It's so easy to slip into a routine of things and forget the true importance of what we are all about.

Who: We are LEADERS. Regardless of what role you play as a volunteer, all of us are setting the example and creating the culture that others experience at Celebration. That means we determine the impact and success at the Clovis Campus; we set the atmosphere.  We are a family of leaders who LOVE GOD WHOLEHEARTEDLY and LOVE HIS PEOPLE PASSIONATELY! In other words: We as leaders do not operate as a thermometer, we are the thermostat and we determine what people experience when they come to our Campus

What: We are a team of individuals that operates wholeheartedly in unity, leading and problem solving together! Each part is significant, equally called and giftedWe set the pace of the services, the tone of the environment, and the energy of the atmosphere. If a service is lacking energy, that's our que to bump up that energy. We smile, we greet, we create an environment that welcomes EVERYBODY.  The atmosphere rises and falls on our leadership! 

Why: Not only do we benefit by sowing and reaping our time, energy, and resources, but we are also able to bless others by creating an irresistible environment in which they will feel safe, secure, and comfortable. When we accomplish this, people will let their guard down and be more receptive to the message of Jesus. It's like Disneyland. People come, relax, and enjoy the exciting yet irresistible environment. The cool thing is that we create and maintain that environment!  

How: EXCELLENCE. Excellence is the way we operate at Celebration Church. What does that mean? Whatever our responsibility is within our area of ministry, we do it to the BEST of our ability.  We shake off the worries in our own life and focus on the needs of others. This positions us to allow God to work through us and NOT in spite of us. As leaders, we take ownership of our campus, fighting to protect our environment. For example, if we see a piece of trash in the lobby, we take the initiative to pick it up or if their is a spill in the KIC hallway we are the ones to clean it up!

We believe if we will truly adopt the heart, significance & spirit of our role as leaders, we will take this campus to the next level; positioning ourselves for God's increase of souls coming into His Kingdom & impacting our city like never before.

So What's Going On? 

-We've got a BIG weekend approaching. Damon Thompson will be with us Saturday night for our G42 graduation, as well as, speaking all weekend! Saturday night and Sunday morning will be completely different so Pastor is encouraging everyone to double up. We are in high anticipation for this entire weekend and we strongly encourage you to be there. Prayers will be answered and lives will be changed! 

-The day we've all been waiting for...the wedding of Andrew Nava and Charissa Hand! If you would like to attend, we would love for you to be there! The wedding starts at 5:00PM at the Clovis Campus. 

-Another thing we are passionate about is community. While we encourage everyone to attend workshops and special services, we are equally passionate about getting together outside the four walls of the church. Let's get together for a backyard BBQ for example or go to a bowling alley or take a swim in the pool! In other words, we want the relationships that are forming inside the church to be further developed beyond the four walls of the church; That's where community is truly built! 

-We need your HELP!!! We have lots of room to grow and need your input on how to get better; we also want to know more about you! Please take five minutes to COMPLETELY fill out the survey and especially question 6- this is where we grow the most! Please go to the Volunteer Table to pick up your survey!

-Have you been anticipating this moment all week? I bet you have, because at this time we would like to inform you that our VOLUNTEER OF THE WEEK is ---


Mike has been there at the campus so much that we are considering giving him one of the rooms to live in! Mike has gone above and beyond helping us with our facilities and also on the parking team getting there early and staying late to make sure everything is ready to go for the services. He has always got a great, big smile to share with everyone that comes to our campus and is the definition of a team player. Thank you Mike for helping advance the Kingdom of God with excellence and a good heart, we truly value you! 

We love you all, see you this weekend!

Clovis Staff

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Cloudy with a Chance of RAIN!

Blue skies, cool breezes, warm rays of the sun...Must be summer! 

The RAIN over our lives!
Tough Gener looking so cute in pink!
As we begin to make summer plans, host BBQ's in the back yard, and have cannonball contests, let's remember that our summer forecast is RAINY with a sure chance of Presence, Favor and Power! Let's remember not to let rain fall down around us YET not experience the rain ourselves. Instead, let's take hold of this word, so no need for an umbrella; let's get soaked with the Rain of God! 

The Word says, "We will have what we say" so here are the confessions Pastor Randy gave for all of us to speak over our lives:

Rain Confessions 
God / You are / The source/ Of rain/ According to your word/ I believe/ It is the time for rain/ Therefore/ I ask/ For the summer rain/ I ask you/ For the rain/ Of your presence/ I ask you/ For the rain/ of your favor/ I ask you/ for the rain/ Of your power/ God I ask you/ For the rain/ In my health/ For rain/ In my finances/ And rain in every aspect/ Of my life/ Rain in my life/ Rain in my family/ Rain in my church/ Rain in my city/ God I asking for rain/ In the time of rain/ Therefore/ I'm expecting rain/ I thank you/ For the summer/ RAIN!!! 

In other news: 

We are excited to announce the initiating of Home Workshops this summer! What in the world does that mean?! It's just another way of saying that we are promoting community this summer! We want to see the people of Celebration getting together outside the four walls of the church and enjoying life together.  These Workshops will take place all throughout the week at places outside of the church. They will help us to continue equipping, training, and building community within the Celebration. We will be kicking off these Home Workshops at the end of June. People will get the opportunity to hangout and grow together outside of the four walls of the church, with great leaders facilitating these workshops. We believe they will help establish and develop relationships among our church and really strengthen our campus. So we absolutely need and want your involvement as well as your influence to help get the word out and others connected.. all the details for those will be at the Workshop Table this weekend. 

 And now, our Volunteer of the Week.......

Steve McDonald!!!

What can we say about Steve? He is the definition of "faithful"! Not only is he on time to every service, but always early! His excellence is demonstrated by the sense of ownership he has for his campus. Picking up pieces of trash, cleaning spills, and keeping our campus "lookin' good" are only a few examples. Thank you Steve for all the hard work, time, and energy you have sown into the Kingdom of God. You are truly making a difference!

And thank you to everyone for placing importance on reading this blog. We'll see you all this weekend!

Campus Staff

Friday, June 1, 2012

Doing the Most Good!!!

Hey Clovis Volunteers! We want to say thank you so much for your time, effort, motivation, and determination to serve here at Celebration Church! Your impact in the Kingdom of God is phenomenal and we are proud to serve right along side each and every one of you! And as the Salvation Army says, you are truly "doing the most good!"

A BIG shout out to all those who were able to come out to our Wednesday Night prayer service! It was amazing to see the value that everyone put on PRAYER! As Pastor Randy says, "Prayer is where we WIN!" If you weren't able to be there, don't worry because we are having another amazing prayer service this Wednesday at 7pm! Come and get soaked with us as God's presence RAINS down throughout the service. We'll be looking for you there!

Stuff You Need to Know:

- This Sunday Night will be our Sunday Night Service with Glen Berteau! This is going to be an exciting, life changing weekend as Glen brings a right-now word for all of us here at Celebration so be sure to be there and bring a friend with you too!

- We will having a UNITED VIBE this weekend with Pastor Lance!
                - Where? Coffee Bar
                - When?  Sat. 5:00pm, Sun. 9:00am

- If you haven't yet, we need you to fill out the Volunteer Survey! We want to know a little more about each of you so be sure to fill it out! Click HERE to begin...

- Last but most assuredly not least, we are PROUD to announce our "Volunteers" of the Week!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen the Volunteers of the week...

John and Lily Martin!!!!!

John and Lily deserve some serious "braggin' on!" These are two people who have taken volunteering and 2SM to the next level! They truly know what it means to be leaders. In a nutshell, John and Lily go above and beyond and we thank you for your dedication to the kingdom of God; you are an inspiration to us all, and we appreciate all that you do here at Celebration!

...And thank you to every one who took the time to read and value this blog, we love you all!

P.S.  In this season, God has spoken that "It's time for Rain!" However, it's OUR responsibility to keep our words in line with His, so here are some daily confessions that you can say on the way to work, in the shower, or even while dropping the kids off at school. Confess these words daily and watch for the rain clouds!

Rain Confessions 
God / You are / The source/ Of rain/ According to your word/ I believe/ It is the time for rain/ Therefore/ I ask/ For the summer rain/ I ask you/ For the rain/ Of your presence/ I ask you/ For the rain/ of your favor/ I ask you/ for the rain/ Of your power/ God I ask you/ For the rain/ In my health/ For rain/ In my finances/ And rain in every aspect/ Of my life/ Rain in my life/ Rain in my family/ Rain in my church/ Rain in my city/ God I asking for rain/ In the time of rain/ Therefore/ I'm expecting rain/ I thank you/ For the summer/ RAIN!!! 

Love you all!