Hey Clovis volunteers, has anybody been experiencing some rain lately?!
We just want to thank you for placing value on reading this blog post; thank you for being a leader that's hungry to hear about what's going on at their campus! Here are some key things that you can help us push as leaders:
- Community is the word of the day! Community is the clockwork of a successful ministry, but what does community actually look like? Here are some examples:
- Grabbing a bite to eat after church with another couple.
- Joining a Home Workshop.
- Going to a movie with a group of singles.
- Firing up the BBQ in the back with other volunteers and smacking the volley ball around.
- Fishing at the lake with a few guys from the Men's group.
And the list goes on!
Here's the thing. Before you got saved you went out every Friday night and partied the night away with your friends, but once you became a Christian you thought your fun had to end. WRONG! The fun has just begun! Because now you know you don't have to have 7 shots of tequila to have a good time!
- BIG BIG BIG!!! This Sunday night is BIG! Pastor Randy is on assignment to bring a very special word concerning rain this Sunday night, so help us get the word out to friends, family, co-workers, and whoever you believe needs this word. Let's get some rain!!!
- Finally, we would proudly like to announce our Volunteer of the Week!!! That volunteer is none other than...
Dora Dozier!!!
Dora is truly a magnificent person to have on your team. She is one of a kind! Every time Dora serves in KIC she serves with her whole heart and that is hard to find these days. She is always so willing to serve and in so many other ways too: from generously donating a giant puzzle-mat to the nursery to allowing her home to be used as a hang out for 2SM Dora does it all! You are truly a blessing to the kingdom of God! We are believing with you that every seed of time, effort, and resources you have sown into God's house will be given back to you in great abundance. We love you and thank you so much!
We love you Clovis Volunteers! We want you to know that we are praying for you throughout our week and are excited to see what this summer rain is going to produce in your life. Let's have a great weekend together!
We love you Clovis Volunteers! We want you to know that we are praying for you throughout our week and are excited to see what this summer rain is going to produce in your life. Let's have a great weekend together!
With love,
Your Clovis Staff