Welcome to the blog Clovis Volunteers, we sure hope you're having a great day today! Here's the
LINK to this month's calendar, we've got some great things planned coming soon so make sure you don't miss out!
These next Wednesday nights are sure to pack a punch; make every effort to be apart!
Water Baptisms: Bring your bathing suits, floaties, and towel, because we're throwing the greatest pool party this world has ever seen! Come out and celebrate what God is doing in every individual's life who has made the decision to follow Christ. Who knows, you may want to take a dip yourself!
Wednesday, April 24th
Clovis Campus
Healing School United: The Bible has so much to say about health and wholeness in our bodies; physically, mentally, and emotionally. This hour long class is open to anyone and everyone who is open to learning more about healing and to whomever may need to receive healing in any area of their life. What an incredible two nights; we would love to see you there!
Wednesday, May 1st & 8th
Clovis Campus
C Group Summer: We believe that this summer is going to be the best one so far for the people of Celebration! As we launch into the summer months, Wednesday nights will be an open night, with the intention that everyone can in our C Groups! Whether you jump into an existing group or start your own, C Groups are where it's at this summer! Getting involved with a C Group is healthy and good for anyone looking to grow in their life. We have tons of C Groups to be involved in from groups to RESOURCE you, to OUTREACH this city, or even having fun in any number of ACTIVITIES. Let's gear up for an amazing C GROUP SUMMER!!!
Party in the Park
Sunday, May 5th, you and families are officially invited to our annual Party in the Park! This is going to be a time to unplug, get the lawn chair out, maybe play some volley ball, and
relax! Here are some of the details:
- Open to the whole church and their family
- Woodward Park/ Activity Area
- 4pm-7pm
- Hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided.
- Please bring a side dish and a dessert to share and drinks for you and your family.
- $5 dollar parking fee for Woodward Park.
- Bring the fun too!
Ken and Teri are a wonderful couple! These two have had faithful involvement in serving for over 10 years! They are always willing to step in where there is a need and always have a smile doing it! Whether it's being dressed as clown for the kids making balloon animals, welcoming guests in our Visitor Lounge, helping at our lobby tables, or running their C Group, they are always in the game with a willing heart! Thank you Ken and Teri!
Thank you for tuning in for another blog visit! Let's go into this weekend full of passion and vision to see our city reached. We believe that we are the tip of the spear in this Valley; let's win this city together!
Clovis Team :)