Thursday, May 30, 2013

It's Heatin' Up in Clovis Baby!

Thanks Clovis Leaders for tuning into the blog today, you're in for a treat!

Sunday Night 
The time has finally arrived! This Sunday, June 2nd, at 6pm, in our Clovis Campus, Samuel Rodriguez will be joining us for a night that you would be absolutely crazy to miss! Here is a 10 minute taste of what a wild ride we are in for; God is going to rock our world! 

Not only can you expect a great message, but you can also anticipate a super-charged, fun atmosphere! Here's some things you can expect:


Everyone knows that college age people are ALWAYS hungry, so we're luring you in with FREE tacos! The first 50 people to show up between the ages of 18-29 get free tacos from our vendor. Also, bring your four square shoes and you’re 'A' game because you'll have an opportunity to win a $100 gas card!

This weekend will have more than enough to keep your children engaged, and loving life! I’m talking candy, popcorn, slushies, bounce houses, and VIP treatment for everyone who memorizes their cards! 

Prayer Target
This week's prayer target is for INCREASE for our campus. This is something that the staff has been believing and praying for and we want you guys to join in on the action!

As we begin to pray, let's be specific in what, and where we want to grow. Here are a few examples:

 - Strategies to grow.
 - Services filled to capacity.
 - C-groups healthy, well-attended, community being built/life long friendships developed. 
 - Salvations coming in. 

Let's come into agreement and watch our Campus get better and bigger!

Stay in the Loop!

Parking: Just a friendly reminder that all volunteers need to park along the Ashlan side of the parking lot. We are making room for our all of our visitors!

Pre-service Prayer: An hour before our services start (5pm & 9am), we are praying as leaders for the services, and our campus. We've already been at it for two weekends in a row and it has been awesome! Prayer changes things and can move us into a place we've never been before; come be a part of the action!

June Calendar: What's going on in the month of June? Find out by clicking HERE! We have C-Groups in full swing, events, and campus life; what are you filling your summer with? 


Casey is an angel of light- literally! Casey is a part of our Production team and makes all those amazing lights you see on the weekend happen. He's one of the nicest individuals that you could meet, and brings laughter and cheer wherever he is. Casey goes above and beyond, coming in during the week to make sure that everything is in top condition. Thanks Casey for being a great team player and for taking our church to another level every week! We love you! 

Thank you Clovis Leaders! Let's go into this weekend full of expectation for great things to happen!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Welcome to the BLOG! Only a dedicated leader like yourself would take the time to read this, and for that we are thankful for YOU!

Does anybody need some extra STRENGTH?! Pastor Randy gave us a short message in prayer today that you are going to want to hear! We believe this is a right now word not only for the church, but also for us individually. Please take ten minutes to listen to this short, but life changing message.


Volunteer Orientation
This Sunday after service we are going to have Volunteer Orientation and we need your help! This is an opportunity to recruit someone and allow them the opportunity to experience all the blessings of serving God's house.

This is also a great way to grow your team and help push our volunteer base and ministry to the next level. We can't do this without your help so if you know anyone that is interested, invite them to come out!

Orientation will take place this Sunday, after service, in the Rainforest Classroom. 

Samuel Rodriguez is coming to town!

Prayer Target
We've all heard the devastating news that took place in Oklahoma on Monday the 20th. Disaster struck with a two mile wide tornado leaving people homeless, injured, and dead. This week's Prayer Target is for recovery in Oklahoma. Here are a few things you can pray for:
  • Pray for the search and rescue teams as they work to find those who are still missing.
  • Pray healing for those injured.
  • Pray for the families and friends who have lost loved ones.
  • Pray wisdom for those assisting and supporting all who have been effected.
  • Pray for peace and comfort for those who have lost everything and give them the strength to start over.
For more information about the Oklahoma Tornado, please click HERE

Check out the calendar to see what C-Groups you can get involved with this summer! There 
is something for everyone!

Click HERE to see your options! 



You may have seen Juan's great smile and heard his great voice on stage, but that's not all Juan does! With his happy, loving personality, he greets all those that come in for service and sincerely enjoys doing it! Juan attends/helps at C20 and is also involved in our C-groups. 

"Juan is basically the man... " - Jamaal (His C-group leader) 

Juan also enjoys leading kids in worship on the weekend and pours his heart out doing it. And the best part is ladies, this man is on the market! Thank you Juan for all you do to go above and beyond every week, we love ya!  

Thank you Clovis Campus, we love you! 

Clovis team 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Great Days Ahead!!!

Thanks for tuning in to the blog Clovis Leaders! We love and appreciate you!

We are cutting back on our Wednesday services and turning up the heat for our Summer C-Groups!

We want to give you the opportunity to plan more activities, outreaches, resources, (or maybe all three if you have that kind of free time) and build more community with those around you. Like the amazing Pastor Lance says: "There's no better way of building relationship than just doing life together..."

Now is the best time to sign up for a C-Group if you haven't already, OR lead a group- more leaders are always welcome!

Just a reminder if you're parking on the north side of the building, we need all leaders to park in the row along Ashlan Ave. to open up the North Entrance to everyone. Thanks for your cooperation!

Prayer Target
This week let's spend time praying together for students that are graduating and moving on to a new season of their life. Let's pray that they will hear God on what their next step is.

Volunteer Vision
Once again, the Clovis team cannot express our gratitude to you enough- THANK YOU! 

We wanted to encourage you with what the Bible says in Colossians 3:23-24: 

"Whatever you are doing, work at it with enthusiasm, as to the Lord and not to people, because you know that you will receive your inheritance from the Lord as the reward."

Remember that as we continue to serve, our efforts aren't for a man but for God. Think about it like this, you probably wouldn't show up late to your job without calling or finding someone to fill your spot, how much more then should we honor the Lord with our serving? Let's give God our best as we continue to serve Him and see this city won for Jesus!


Tito & Judie Vasquez

Tito and Judie serve on Grace's greeting team. They are the definition of a true volunteer, always willing to do anything, at anytime, for anyone. Not only do they attend a C-Group, but they are also leaders of their own group! This dynamic duo doesn't limit their serving to just the weekend but graciously lends a helping hand whenever they are needed. Not to mention- Tito can cut a mean rug on the salsa dance floor! 

"Tito and Judie never look for anything in return, they just have hearts to serve." Grace Rivas

Thank you for being a great example of what a volunteer looks like, it is an honor and privilege to serve along side two amazing people.

Thank you Clovis Leaders! Let's have a great weekend together!

Clovis Team

Thursday, May 9, 2013

It's Heating Up!

Hello Clovis leaders thanks for checking out the blog today, we hope you're having an awesome day!

It's heating up which means our Summer C-Groups are here! Wednesday nights are now an open night for you and your families, and also another night to get involved with C-Groups! We truly believe that these groups are going to build your life and bring the church to another level. Building community and growing together was a key element to the success of the early church, so why wouldn't it work for us?!

There are tons of ways to get plugged in and we are highly encouraging people to start a group if they want to as well. Here is a list of groups that you can join!

Click to enlarge
Clovis leaders we have the awesome privilege of having Rev. Samuel Rodriguez join us on Sunday night, June 2nd at the Clovis Campus. At Celebration we are never going to exalt a man but we do believe that the voices God brings into this place are significant to where God is taking us. This is going to be a fun, amazing night to be a part of and we are looking forward to seeing you and your guests there!

Click HERE to read a great bio on Samuel Rodiguez :)

If you haven't seen all the events on this month's calendar, don't worry, we have the LINK right here! Make sure to check it out so you know what's coming up and what we have in store just for you. Stay in the "know" and be a part of what's going on!

This week we are going to be praying for the marriages of this house. The Bible says that what God has joined together, let no man separate. We believe that this church is full of healthy, strong, influential marriages! And just in case you men don't know the key to happiness- Happy Wife, Happy Life!



Jennifer is an All-Star volunteer that serves on the Ushering team. Jennifer has been a terrific leader on our campus, creating an irresistible environment for anyone that steps onto our campus. Her attitude is always top notch and is truly a team player on her Ushering team. Jennifer has also gotten involved in C-Groups and will always lend an extra helping hand if she is needed. Thank you Jennifer for all your hard work, we love you lots!

Thanks everyone! We love you and are excited for this awesome weekend ahead!

Clovis Team

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Clovis Leaders!

Clovis Leaders! Thanks for tuning into the blog today, we know that your time here will be well spent!

We're in a new month so that means we have more events coming that you need to know about and be a part of! Here's the LINK to the new calendar with everything you need to know: services, C-Group meetings, classes, parties, etc. We would hate for you to miss out on all these great opportunities, so make sure you check it out!

Party in the Park 

This Sunday May 5th, aka CINCO DE MAYO, there's going to be a PARTY IN THE PARK! Simply put, this event is going to be EPIC! Here's the details:

  • 4:00 to 7:00pm @Woodward Park
  • Activity Area (Audubon entrance, $5 parking charge for parking inside the park)
  • Bring sides or desserts to share 
  • Your own drinks and lawn chairs  
Come be apart of all the fun!


 C-Group Update:
  1. If you haven't joined a C-Group yet, you are missing out on something great! There's something for everyone to do and to fit you personally. Also, after our Wednesday night service on the 8th, we will no longer be having Wednesday night services for the summer. This is going to give you more time to have some family time and get plugged into some C-Groups! 
  2. We need you! We would love for more leaders to step up and add more activities, resources, or outreaches to the already existing groups. The door is always open to lead!
  3. We believe the right relationships can change lives, whether through outreaches, building each other through various resources, or just hanging out and doing activities. Come get involved in a group, we promise you'll love it.
Healing School

Healing School takes place again tomorrow morning Friday, May 3rd immediately following our 8:30am-9:30am prayer. These sessions have been absolutely life changing! If you can, make sure you come out and be a part of what God is doing, and if you're unable to make the morning sessions, we will be having one more Healing School session on next Wednesday (May 8th) at 7pm in Clovis. We'll see you there!

Prayer Target 

This week's prayer target is THANKSGIVING. It's important for us to come together not only to thank God for what He's already done in our lives, but for everything He's going to do as well. Let's be known as a people who are thankful for the little things we have in life; like a roof over our head, food in the refrigerator, clothes on our backs, etc. What can you give God thanks for today? 


Amy Yanez!
Amy serves in the Coffee Bar on Esperanza's team. She's been a part of our volunteer base for many years and is still just as passionate today as she was the day she started serving! Amy never has to be asked to do anything, she's quick to take initiative and step in whenever she's needed (and ALWAYS with a smile on her face)! She truly is the definition of a servant; her heart to serve God and people is an honor to be around. Thank you Amy for making this a priority and giving your all week after week! We love you!

"Amy's spunky personality is just what I need on Sunday mornings! She's the life of the party, and I love having the opportunity to serve alongside her!" -Brandi Sanders

Thank you Clovis Leaders! Let's knock this upcoming weekend out of the park together! We love ya!

Clovis Team :)