Friday, October 25, 2013



One of the BIGGEST outreaches that Celebration puts on is happening next week! Here’s how you can help make it a success:

1)  Prayer
We can have the most candy, the best attractions, and the most awesome attendance at this event, but if God doesn’t draw people in and move through us we are wasting our time! This is an event that can draw people into a relationship with God, please be in prayer with us that God will use this event to change lives!

2)  Invite
Families are looking for safe, fun Halloween events to participate in, grab some invite cards and let’s go to work!
Just a couple days ago I was able to invite a neighborhood family, who has a ton of kids. As I was walking away I could hear a couple of the little ones begging their mother, “Can we go? Can we go? They have bounce houses and candy!”

Who do you know that you can invite?

3)  Candy!
What would a Halloween Bash be without an incalculable amount of candy? Thank you to those that have brought bags in, we believe that is amazing seed to sow into children’s lives!

4)  Volunteer
There are lots of different ways that you can help out at the event and if we are going to see thousands of people come through, we definitely need all the help we can get! If you are planning on helping, PLEASE get signed up this weekend at the Outreach Table, this will help us tremendously next week as we prepare.

Thank you for participating in this amazing outreach! We are expecting a great turnout and are excited that you are getting involved.

One more thing....

Just make sure not to eat your kids candy. 



Aaron is a huge part of our 2sm Team! He’s involved in two of our 2sm cGroups, leads our set up team on Tuesday nights, as well as serving and connecting with students at our weekend services and at our lobby tables. He is always looking for a way to help out, and constantly goes above and beyond in everything he does. We so appreciate his heart to serve and reach out to the next generation! 

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Welcome to the Clovis Blog

This is the place where you can become infused with vision and information to equip you as a leader in life and at our campus. Thank you for taking the time to do that!


There are times throughout the month that the staff will go bombard local neighborhoods with invite cards; inviting anyone and everyone to our services. This is one of the most favorite things we do, but not every day is an “invite event”. Or is it?

It’s funny how our mindset can shift when we are in “church invite mode”. Every person has a giant target on their chest and we attack them like hungry lions and invite them to come. Then time passes. Whether it’s a couple hours or a few days, we slowly become like timid third graders asking their neighbor if they want to buy some cookie dough for a school fundraiser. 

Let’s make every day an invite day!

Wherever we are, let’s make the most of every opportunity God gives us. I do believe that there are specific times where we become more focused and aggressive for the task, but our encouragement to you is to keep an open ear and open heart wherever you are; you could be in the exact spot to share Jesus with someone. What a wonderful privilege that is...


*More details on last week’s post


Damon Thompson will be here again before you know it! November is quickly approaching and we are anticipating another powerful service as we move FORWARD!

We are so excited to bring back Matthew Barnett and Samuel Rodriguez to Celebration! These are two men that God is using mightily on Earth and we have the great privilege to have BOTH of them in one weekend!



Nycole is one of our newer room leads in KIC. She is doing an amazing job, growing and bettering the classroom. She is passionate about teaching the kids and making sure they have a great time doing it. She is always prepared and excited to serve these kids!
-Miguel Serrano
KIC Director

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Hey Clovis Leaders! Thanks for taking the time to check out the blog! We are in great anticipation that your life and this church is moving FORWARD! We love you!


Let’s go down memory lane for one moment. Take yourself back to the very first day you set foot on Celebration’s campus. You might of felt a little confused, possibly overwhelmed, until the first of 50 people greeted you.

It is our desire to make every single person who walks through our doors, not only feel welcomed but connected.

Visitor Lounge is our resource to make that happen.

When you meet a first time visitor or see someone with that confused/unsure look on their face, please remember to bring them to the Visitor Lounge so that we can connect with them. We’ll make sure to roll out the red carpet for your guests and leave them feeling like they’re right at home!


What are you believing for in prayer this week?

Our morning prayer service is all about creating an atmosphere of prayer for anybody that chooses to attend. We believe that prayer is the key to move FORWARD as a corporate body and as individuals. Whatever it is that you are believing for, we want the opportunity to get in the fight with you!

Tuesday through Friday from 8:30am to 9:30am at our Fresno campus we have a morning prayer service. It is powerful each and every time, and we don’t have to remind you, there is power in prayer!

We are 3 weeks away from our BIG HALLOWEEN BASH! We are so excited to be able to provide a safe place for you, your families, your guests and our community to come and have a blast on Halloween night!

This is the perfect opportunity to invite people that normally wouldn’t come to church and although it’s not a service, God can still rock their world! We are believing that people will feel the love of God and be drawn back for more!

Here are some ways that you can make this night a success:

1. Donate Candy: What would a Halloween Bash be without some good old-fashioned candy? Your generous donation will make hundreds of kids happy that night, so bring as many bags as you can!

2. Volunteer at the Bash: We will need plenty of help to facilitate all of the different activities that night.
The Bash will be broken up into shifts; this will allow you to enjoy the event with your family and friends and still be a part of helping as well!

3. Host a themed DOOR on Candy Lane. Similar to "trunk or treat" we will have a walk through spot where kids will be able to go door to door and get candy. Each spot on “trick or treat lane” will have it's own propped up door, and area that you can decorate in the theme of your choice! This is one of the highlights of the event and a great opportunity to gather some people you know (maybe your team members, or word works table, or friends) and get creative together!

*You can sign-up or donate at the Halloween Bash table in the Lobby!

Enjoy this “Halloween” video!



This week, we would like to honor Ann Little as Volunteer of the Week! Ann serves on the usher team where you can guarantee she will be serving and greeting our guests with a smile! She has a great heart as she serves the community in one of our outreach cGroups & goes above and beyond each service that she serves in. Her friendliness and dedication to the usher team and the Clovis campus is what makes her stand out as a great leader on our campus. Thank you Ann, we love you! 

Friday, October 4, 2013

It's BLOG time!!!


Last weekend we had some amazing, God-breathed services. God redirected “business as usual” and we were given great understanding on what we have been experiencing lately.

For many of us, these last couple of months, or even years for some, have not been a walk in the park. As Pastor Randy went to God about this in prayer, God told him that you are in a Garden Season. “A Garden Season?!” Pastor asked God, “It’s been anything BUT a ‘Garden Season’” But as God began to unfold this phrase to him, it brought clarity to what this season meant for us. The “Garden” refers to Jesus at the Garden of Gethsemane, under tremendous pressure and heavy of heart and spirit. It says that He sweat great drops of blood as He laid down His will. In this “season” it would’ve been easy to quit, but He didn’t- HE PRAYED. He prayed and overcame, and became the Savior of the world.

The disciples were also in that same Garden. They weren’t experiencing the same level of pressure that Jesus was, but nevertheless they were in that same “season”. But what did they do? They were SLEEPING. They slept and allowed the pressure to overcome them.

Most of the church has been SLEEPING instead of PRAYING! We’ve been trying to “sleep” away our problems (watching more t.v, filling the days with unproductiveness, etc.) instead of praying and overcoming!

PRAYER – With that said, Pastor has called a special prayer meeting this Saturday, October 5th, from 5pm to 6pm. This is our chance to push to the next level and as leaders set the tone for this weekend! The service will still begin at 6pm.

GOD ENCOUNTER WEEKEND- Damon will be with us Saturday night in Clovis (6pm) and also Sunday night in Clovis (6pm). We truly believe that we are in a position to move FORWARD and there needs to be some godly pressure placed on making it to these services. Watching another show or going to another restaurant doesn’t have the capacity to make your life move forward, but God’s presence can!


Volunteering at Celebration has dramatically changed our whole family's life for the better. We first came to Celebration completely broken and shattered, hanging on by a thread, but were instantly changed by the love of other volunteers that embraced us. That love directed us to serve, we wanted to give back what we had received when we came here, and have been doing it now for more than 5 yrs. Now all of our family members volunteer and once we put God’s house first, He took care of the rest.

Since we have been volunteering, our marriage has been restored, amazingly huge debts cancelled, illnesses healed, and we have never been the same since.

The Banuelos Family :)

Write in to and let us hear how Volunteering has changed YOUR life!



Helen is one of a kind! Helen has been a part of the Greeting team for many years and is more excited today than she was the day she started serving! You can often find her in the north lobby greeting people with her amazing smile! Helen goes out of her way to make people feel comfortable on our campus; it is her goal every weekend to help new people find a place to get connected and have a great experience. Helen is always on time, always excited, and we can count on one hand the amount of times she has ever missed a time to serve! This last weekend she took the time to bring a new family to the Visitor Lounge all the way from the north lobby to help them get connected- that’s fantastic! Thank you Helen for your commitment in this ministry; you make our team better! We love you!

"I adore Helen! She's so quick to make sure to give everyone a smile & make them feel important! She's passionate about her role on this campus and has a huge heart for people!" -Brandi Sanders