Friday, November 29, 2013

Clovis Leaders


The Clovis Team can’t begin to express how thankful we are for each one of you! --But we took a shot at it:

“Gi and I are so thankful to call you family. We believe that this Thanksgiving will be full of Kairos moments. Thank you for all you do! We love you!”
- Pastor Lance & Gi

“I’m so thankful for all your desire and dedication to serve. We could not make the impact we make without you. Thank you!”
- Miguel

“I’m more thankful for you than a turkey is for a vegetarian on Thanksgiving!”
- Sherissa

“I’m so thankful for your commitment and passion that you come with every weekend!”
- Brandi

“We are so thankful for all the hard work and energy you guys pour out every weekend!”
- Joe & Shawnee

“Thank you Clovis Leaders for being so stinkin’ awesome ALL the time!!! We love you are so thrilled that we get to build the kingdom of God with you! Eat a ton and have a great time with your friends and families!”
- Jacob



Lucas is a part of our Lounge Team where he faithfully serves with his WHOLE heart! He seems to bring the Coffee Bar area alive with his warm smile, and helpful service. He puts in “above and beyond” effort every chance he gets and is a key player in the success of his team. Thank you Lucas for your time and energy that you put in to making Celebration a wonderful place to be every weekend- the Clovis team greatly appreciates you!!!

--Oh! And I forgot to mention- Ladies, Lucas is single! What a great catch that guy is!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

We just want to say a BIG...

We just wanted to take a moment to say thank you! 

Thank you for your faithfulness!
Thank you for your time!
Thank you for your commitment!
Most of all thank you for helping us make this the best church around!

We appreciate each and every one of you more than we have words to describe!  We truly believe we have the BEST volunteers in the universe!  We love you and know that we wouldn’t be who we are without you.

Here is a clip of Pastor speaking to us this Tuesday as our morning prayer was concluding- this is 12 minutes that will rock your world!!

This is your moment folks!  Each and every one of you have the opportunity to bring some radical change to your lives and potentially your loved ones lives in theses 30 days! It is safe to say that each one of us would like to change something, but many of us don’t even know where to begin.  Here’s how to... 


What do you need to do to seize it?

There are many ways to seize it, but a practical easy step is to WRITE OUT those things that God has purposed in your heart. This helps solidify and clarify what you are applying faith to, and is a continual reminder of what those things are.

Our encouragement to you is to declare them each and everyday, and couple them with scripture as well. Every time God brings them to your head, confidently thank Him that they are done and that He is working on your behalf!

(This is something that our staff is doing!)

It’s beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS...
When Christmas comes around here at Celebration it looks like an incredible opportunity for our CHRISTMAS OUTREACH!  We are pumped up to be able to share the multiple, that’s right we said multiple opportunities, we have available this holiday for you to get involved with.

Salvation Army Angel Tree Program

Reaching outside the four walls of the church is a key factor in making Celebration who we are.  We are partnering with the Salvation Army Angel Tree Program, formerly known as the Star Tree Program.  We will be able to provide a gift for children and teens in our city.

Celebrate Family

Family is what we are!  Family takes care of each other.  This is your opportunity to bless the people in our own Celebration community with to chance to provide a monetary donation to make it a wonderful Christmas for them and their families.

Celebrate Neighbors

Celebration is adopting a school in our community! Students that may not receive a gift this year will be able to with this outreach.  You will be able to sponsor an elementary school student from a school nearby our campus.  Stay tuned for more details!

Again, we are not forcing anyone to be involved with these outreaches, nor are we expecting everyone to participate in all of these either. These are just great opportunities to share the love of Christ to others!

These Outreaches will be kicking off the weekend of November 30th (Weekend after Thanksgiving). 



Anthony is an amazing, fun leader on our campus! He is a part of the Parking Team and has been a huge help to making that team successful every weekend. Anthony’s joy and great attitude is contagious! He goes about the campus bringing smiles to everyone and is an ATMOSPHERE CHANGER! Besides bringing an awesome contributor before and after services, his passion also transcends into service. His love for God is evident in everything he does and we are so thankful that Anthony is a part of our team! Thank you Anthony for being a leader of love and excellence, we value and appreciate you! 

Friday, November 15, 2013


Pastor Randy’s message this weekend was awesome. How about INCREDIBLE!  30 days!!  Everything can change in 30 days!  This word was for each and every one of us.  What have you determined to see change in 30 days? Whatever it is that you are in faith for to see God change… keep striking.  Don’t just tap at them… strike with all you got!  Stand on the word that was given, believe, and release your faith to see the change in 30 days. 

Do you know the ways to connect people to the life of the church? Here are the things that you can point them to:
·      CELEBRATION EXPOSED- Once a month, following our Sunday morning service, the staff hosts a free lunch for people that are new to Celebration. As they sit, relax, and build relationships, they’ll get the opportunity to hear what Celebration is all about and what we have to offer.
·      STARTING POINT- Come and discover how to practically develop your relationship with Christ.  This class will provide anyone that comes with resources, you have time to ask questions, meet the some of the staff, and enjoy some food while you’re there. This class is HIGHLY encouraged for everyone, volunteers included!
·      WATER BAPTISM- Water Baptism is the next step of obedience after receiving Christ into your life. Throughout the year, we offer everyone the opportunity to take part in this life-changing moment. Instruction on what Baptism is, and how it affects you takes place prior to being baptized.
·      VOLUNTEERING- You should be an expert on this one! Share with others what God has been doing in your life as a result of serving and point people to our Interest Card. We’ll take care of them from there!

Like or not, Christmas is in the air!  We want you to join us as we prep for this exciting, fun, joyful time because it really is one of the best times of year.  Let’s do this season united.  Join us in helping make this Christmas the best one yet!
Here is a sneak preview…
·      WEEKEND OF DECEMBER 21 &  22:  This is the weekend our Christmas production will take place.  Stay tuned for specific times.
·      CHILDREN- We need your help!  This year our kids have the opportunity to participate in our Christmas program! You can find a flyer with all practice times as well as the signup sheet at the Connection Point.
·      DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF A HANDYMAN?  If that is you, we really could use your help. We need assistance in prop building for the production.  Please look to the connection point for more information.
·      ANY COSTUME DESIGNERS?  If you are blessed with expertise in this trade we would love for you to get involved in our production as well. Costume designers are essential in making this production top notch.  Head to the connection point for more information.
·      CHRISTMAS OUTREACH: Celebration is committed to serving the people in our community.  Thank you for helping us make that vision possible. We are excited to reach the hurting in our community and help them have a wonderful Christmas season. Stay tuned for all the details surrounding our Christmas Outreach.



Tammy Hernandez is doing an AMAZING job in the KIC classroom, and is passionate about taking care of the Celebration kids. She is always willing to serve whenever needed. Serving has brought her closer to God she plays a huge role in the KIC Team. Thank you Tammy for all you do and your commitment to seeing our campus flourish! We love you!  

Saturday, November 9, 2013


                         DON'T LET THIS MOMENT PASS YOU BY

We often hear that "The opportunity of a lifetime can only be seized within the lifetime of the opportunity." Well here we are- right smack in the middle of one of those moments! If you were here this weekend you heard Pastor release a right now word for the people of Celebration. As he was away seeking God, God spoke to Him that we are in a "Kairos Moment"; a moment where God steps into our now and everything has the potential to change. God is ready to breakthrough in our lives in a BIG way and we don't want anyone to miss out! In order to participate in this moment we have to seek God and make the necessary adjustments in our lives that will position us to release faith like never before! No matter what you need God to do in your life, He is able and He is ready to do it! Our part is FAITH!! We have to believe that nothing is too hard for God and that no matter what it looks like He is able and He is faithful! 

As we go in to this weekend we encourage you to stir yourself up and come with great expectation that something good is about to happen!! We have made it to this moment and we are going to step into every good thing God has for us as we move forward! This is our KAIROS moment, now is the time, and FORWARD is the answer!

Do not miss this weekend! Drag yourself and your family if you need to and don't let anything stop you from getting what God has just for you this weekend!


As leaders we should always have increase on our minds! Ok, I know what your thinking, "Yup I could always use some mo-money!!" But thats not the kind of increase I'm talking about. When God thinks of increase the first thing on His mind is PEOPLE. Increasing His kingdom is at the top of His priority list and it should be at the top of ours as well! Here are two ways we can help God build:

1. INVITE. When we invite people to church we give them the opportunity to experience the presence of God that can change their lives forever! 

It is our responsibility as believers to share what we with the people around us that need it the most. And trust me they are all around us, at the store, at your job, at school, in your family, your friends, neighbors etc. 

Let's step outside of "our own little world" and commit to inviting people to church!!

2. RECRUIT. When we talk about recruiting in church it is not about building our team it is about building people! Think about your life before you started volunteering.

Most likely, you didn't know nearly as many people at church, you probably didn't have the godly relationships you do now, and I'm sure you didn't feel like part of a family like you do now! There are so many people who come each week who are missing out on the fulfilled life God has planned for us through community. It is your job to find them and help get them connected!! 

Each weekend make it a point to personally talk to someone about getting plugged in, tell them what it's done for you and then hand them an interest card :) 

They'll be a part of the fam in no time!

December God Encounter 

Special God Encounter in December with two speakers you will not want to miss, mark your calendars!!



Kathy is an amazing, loving leader on the Clovis Campus. She wears lots of different hats and does an outstanding job at everything she sets out to do. She is a part of the Worship Team where she sings and shares her passion for worship, and she also helps as a part of the Connection Point team, extending warm welcomes to new faces and getting others connected to what's going on. Just recently, Kathy went over and above helping us execute our Halloween Bash, which had HUGE impact on thousands of people. The amazing props and design decor that made up our fun night we owe a huge thank you to Kathy and her hard work. 

"We couldn't of done it without her! Kathy was a huge contributor to the success of our Halloween Bash; what an amazing leader!" - Miguel Serrano 

Thank you Kathy! We love you!  

Friday, November 1, 2013

Clovis Leaders, You Are Amazing!

Together we hit a huge homerun at our Halloween Bash as we witnessed nearly 6,000 people come through our gates—that is awesome!!!!

On behalf of Pastor Randy and Cherie and the rest of the staff, we are truly thankful for your involvement, participation, and the investment you made to reach our city. From those that brought bags and bags of candy to those that helped facilitate the evening, our hats go off to you!

We are in great anticipation that as we sowed a seed into reaching our community that we will reap a harvest. So many faithful, committed individuals that attend our church now, are a result of past Halloween outreaches that we have had. We are expecting that the same will happen this year! It’s amazing how doing a simple thing like throwing a Halloween party and showing the love of Jesus can impact people for all of eternity—what an opportunity!


If you have been a part of our services in last couple of months, you can FEEL the momentum building as every service approaches! God is breathing a fresh wind into this place as we congregate together, and as a staff we want to make sure that we apply some godly pressure for you to be there. Not to just fill a seat, but so that your life will be impacted and that as a person, you will fall more and more in love with your Creator. That’s what these services are designed to do!

This is a weekend of FORWARD- buckle your seatbelts, here we go!!!




“Above and beyond” may be an understatement for our friend Rudy. This guy is awesome! Rudy is a part of our usher team and is a fantastic leader on our campus and on his team. Rudy and his family are here at any chance they get, and we are debating making them a living space here in Clovis--- just kiddin’.

But the thing that put Rudy over the top is his unwavering commitment. Rudy and Cassie welcomed a beautiful baby boy into the world just last week and we are so happy for them! And the very next day Rudy showed up to help at the Men’s Workshop! He had committed to being a Men’s leader and he told me that he was sticking to that commitment! Here’s a text he sent me right after I text him that he didn’t have to come that night----

“God has been nothing but good to me and my family. The least I can do is share that with others.”

Thank you Rudy- we love you and are thankful for you!