Clovis Leaders! We hope that you all had an amazing Christmas this year, filled
with lots of fun. Can you believe that the New Year is already approaching?! As
a staff we strongly believe that this is going to be our best year yet! 2014
will be fantastic! - We aren't surviving, we're THRIVING!!!
Here is a wonderful excerpt from the book Today Matters by
John Maxwell - one of the leading leaders of our day. As we step into 2014,
consider applying the truths in this segment to launch you forward:
What Does Your Daily
Agenda Say About You?
By John Maxwell
How would you describe your life? Are you
achieving what you desire? Are you accomplishing the things that are important
to you? Do you consider yourself a success? How do your prospects look for the
future? If I could come to your house and spend just one day with you, I would
be able to tell whether or not you will be successful. You could pick the day. If
I got up with you in the morning and went through the day with you, watching
you for 24 hours, I could tell in what direction your life is headed. When I
tell this to people at conferences, there's always a strong reaction. Some
people are surprised. Some get defensive because they think I would be making a
snap judgment about them. A few get ticked off because they think my claim
sounds arrogant. Others are intrigued and desire to know why I make such a
statement. Here is why: I believe that the secret of your success is determined
by your daily agenda. If you make a few key decisions and then manage them well
in your daily agenda, you will succeed. You will never change your life until
you change something you do daily. You see, success, doesn't just suddenly
occur one day in someone's life. For that matter, neither does failure. Each is
a process. Every day of your life is merely preparation for the next. What you
become is the result of what you do today. In other words... You are
preparing for something. The question is, What are you
preparing for? Are you grooming yourself for success or failure? As my father
used to tell me when I was growing up, "You can pay now, and play later,
or you can play now and pay later. But either way, you are going to pay."
The idea was that you can play and take it easy and do what you want today, but
if you do, your life will be harder later. However, if you work hard now, on
the front end, then you will reap rewards in the future. Think about it: What
are you preparing for today? Success or failure? Does your daily agenda
indicate that you make a habit of paying before you play? Answering these
questions is a good predictor of what you will become tomorrow and in the
Let’s set our expectation high as we embark on a special weekend with Damon Thompson! Invite your friends and family for an
awesome weekend.
Have you ever seen the Connection Point tables in the lobby
swarming with ladies? Well good-looking Eddie is the culprit!
Eddie is a fantastic leader on our campus, helping us in
every which way. He serves as a Greeting Team Manager, and loves helping people
in any way that he can. More specifically, Eddie went above the call of duty
this last week, coming into the offices to help during his time off! He serves
at our Connection Point tables, as a Men’s leader, and has even helped us with
our Starting Point class. Thank you Eddie for being an outstanding contributor
to the Clovis Campus- you’ve been an amazing leader to work with!