Clovis Volunteers! We want to thank you for tuning into our weekly blog- the best place to be on the web! Here are some things to keep you in the loop of what's going on and how we can go to the next level:

It's hard to put into words how fantastic it was to witness 103 people get baptized last night! Young and old lined up on either side of our sanctuary to take part in a miracle of a lifetime. Praise God!
Thank you for coming out to support those that made that wonderful decision and another big thank you to those that participated. We promise that the water was warm ONLY because we used a heater! :)
Building up this next weekend with some words on a blog is really like trying to explain Disney Land to someone- you just have to experience it for yourself! Pastor Randy and the rest of the staff are in great anticipation for this weekend and we hope that you are too. Our "original" crazy uncle, Damon Thompson, will be with us starting Saturday night which is a service NOT to miss! Pastor truly believes that this Saturday night is going to kick us off strong and has encouraged us to tell you to be there at any cost!
Let's be aggressive in inviting people and let's be expecting BIG things for our own lives. Why not?! What's there to lose by stepping out on the water? God wants to show Himself strong in our lives, let's give Him that chance this weekend!

Whether you've been naughty or nice this year there's no going back now, because it's Christmas time baby!
The Clovis Staff would like to formally invite you to a Christmas Party on Friday evening, on the 14th of December. We are mapping out some of the final plans, so the remaining details will come soon, we just wanted to make sure you save the date!
Taylor Burgess
This good looking guy has been a tremendous asset to the Clovis campus for a long time now. Those great camera shots that you may see on the weekend are most likely from Taylor, and he is faithful weekend after weekend to put his heart and soul into his job. He goes out of his way to make people and teenagers feel welcome on our campus and we are so thankful to have him around. Thanks Taylor for being a super star Volunteer! Thanks everyone! We'll see you soon!
Clovis Staff
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