Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Focus on the Basics!!

Wow! These last two weekends at church have been extremely powerful!!

As your campus pastor, I want to take a minute of our time to really challenge ALL of us to examine our own lives and to meditate on these last two weekend messages, allowing them to sink deep into the well of our hearts. I refuse to allow them to just be "great messages" that fill up a few pages of notes and marinade in my mind for a couple of weeks, never really producing the fruit of it's potential. I pray our whole team of leaders at our campus have that very same intention.
I think it would be so appropriate to ask everyone to listen to these weekend services again at some point throughout this week. They are available on podcast and on CD in the bookstore. These messages bring such clear understanding and communicate our purpose as believers.
Bottom line... We aren't here to build cute church, reach a few people, punch the clock of religion, fight our own lil' personal faith fight, and barely squeeze into heaven when our time comes! We are here to cultivate a burning, passionate relationship with our God, that is the main thing! And the result of making the "main thing" our #1 responsibility, we will develop a love for God's people and a desire to reach lost souls and introduce them to a love they have never experienced before! We are called to fall deeper in love with our Father everyday. We are called to be aggressive soul winners, adding to the church daily. That's how we win a city and make our time (that is but a vapor) here on this earth fulfilling and successful!!

Clovis leaders, let's put our focus on the basics... Daily making our relationship with God the main thing and bringing lost souls to Jesus (inviting people to church).

I truly believe that if we focus on these two things, with intensity and endurance, everything else in our lives will be more prosperous than we can ever imagine!

I love you guys and I appreciate all of you for being vision carriers of this house to advance God's Kingdom!

Pastor Lance

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Shout Out to our Greeting & Parking Teams!!!

Our campus staff wanted to give a shout out and a HUGE thank you to our GREETING and PARKING teams!!

You guys seriously rock! This past weekend you survived the rain and made it such a welcoming environment despite the horrible weather.  You guys worked the umbrellas and ushered the people in dry despite getting soaked, and most importantly you guys did it with such great attitudes :) .  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  We cannot communicate how appreciative we are for each of you.  You undoubtedly rose to the occasion this last weekend and we just wanted to give you all BIG thank you and let you know your "awesomeness" did not go un-noticed!

We love you guys!

Lance & Campus Staff

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Dream Center was amazing! I never knew a few hundred people could have such an impact on a city of several million. What an experience, we're truly inspired! Blog post from the Dream Center coming soon,stay tuned.

-Lance & Clovis staff

Friday, March 11, 2011

A Little of this & A Little of That!

Hello Beautiful Clovis Leaders!

I hope your week has been as amazing as this weather! I don't know about you guys, but I could definitely do this weather year around. Anyways, I wanted to take a moment and continue to put vision in front of the leaders of our campus. Pastor Randy spent quite a bit of time this week reinforcing vision in us and I am simply an extension of him on our campus, so that's what I'm going to do. Plus the Bible teaches us that where there is a lack of vision the people will perish (cast off restraint & run wild). So here it is:

* This year is ALL about outreach and growth!

* Our staff is on a mission to find the assignment of our campus in this community. There are so many different needs that require someone to step up and meet them so we can introduce people to the love of Jesus. We are actually going down to the Dream Center in Los Angeles on Tuesday to meet their staff, learn from the best, and get our creative juices flowing so we can begin to impact our local community like never before. Stay posted, because we will be shooting a blog from down south to keep you in the loop :).

* It's time for us, here in Clovis, to grow and increase. We are finally at a place where we have our leadership/staff in the right place, we have a bigger facility (with great parking), and we have a great weekend experience to offer the unbeliever. Now it's time to GROW! How? INVITE, INVITE, INVITE. We need our whole team (all 300 of us) to begin to change our mindsets about our weekend services. It's our job to bring in the people and allow God to impact their lives. But we have to own the responsibility of getting people here. If you look through the gospels many of the miracles took place when "the people were brought to Jesus". We need to step up our game and be more aggressive in inviting people to church, not for the sake of a just having a full building but because EVERY EMPTY SEAT represents a soul in this community that still needs to experience the salvation of Jesus. If we truly have God's heart then we should burn to win souls for His Kingdom!

* With that in mind, time for another INVITE CARD CHALLENGE! Let's all commit to passing out another invite card before our services and believe God for a harvest of souls this weekend ;)

* Other Important Information:


* Tuesday 03-15-11. "KIC Fundraiser" at Me-N-Ed's Victory Grill. 25% of every tab will go right back into KIC classrooms so pick up a flyer from KIC Check-In counter and get involved.

* EASTER is around the corner and we are going after souls BIG TIME. Promotions are coming very soon to get the word out. We will be selling Easter Promo T-shirts this year and all volunteers can get one for $8. So be on the look out for that.

* MEN. Last weekend to sign-up for our March Madness Event. 3v3 basketball tournament, food, and hangout. It's Saturday 03-19-11 so sign-up this weekend in the lobby.

* Attention ALL Singles! Lucky Strike Singles Event 03-20-11. See the table in the lobby for more details and sign-ups.

* Let's have an AWESOME weekend! Love every single one of you!

Lance & Clovis Campus Staff

Are We Flat Lining?

Hey Team, Giana here to share something with you!

Being part of the worship team here at Celebration is such an honor and privilege and many times I’ll challenge myself and the team to see things through the eyes of a song or what the words of a song can really portray. A couple weeks ago I shared with the worship team something God showed me through the song we sing called You Won’t Relent. We’ve all sang this song and many of us have even cried over this song. But I began to think about the true meaning of relenting and the dictionary's definition: to abandon or give up on. Realizing that our God, creator, king, and ruler of All, is saying to us that He will not relent until He has our all! That is mind blowing to me! I mean think about it our God, regardless of our issues, sins, mistakes, is saying “I will not abandon you or give up on you!!” He wants our full attention and access to every part of our life. So then let’s think for a second. What is it to us to have ALL of God? Do we fight every day to get in His presence? To find out the desire’s of His heart? Or do we relent after a few hours, days, months, or even years if we receive the answer to our prayer we’re looking for? Let’s be known as people of God who Won't Relent  in seeking Him intently until we leave this earth.

I challenge you today as leaders to take a step higher, let’s not get to a comfortable place and just flat line-------. No! Instead let's go deeper, push harder, and really endure until the end! Remember the word "2011 our year of abundance and INCREASE." Let's stir ourselves up TODAY, seek the face of God and be filled with hope and expectation as you walk onto the Clovis campus this weekend, believing that we will see advancement of God’s Kingdom in our community!

Love you guys. See you this weekend!
Giana & Clovis Campus Staff

Friday, March 4, 2011

Attention ALL Singles!!!

If you are over the age of 18 (20's,30's,40's & so on) & you are NOT married, mark your calendars for March 20th! We have a fun event that night called the "Lucky Strike" just for you & you will NOT want to miss it! Find the "Lucky Strike" table in the lobby this weekend to get more info & sign up!