Thursday, April 25, 2013

No Fear Here!

Clovis Leaders! Thank you for taking the time to tune into the blog today, we are delighted to have you! We truly believe that we have the best Volunteers a church could ask for, and we thank you for pouring your hearts and lives into what God is doing here; we love you!

This is an audio clip of Pastor Randy this Tuesday morning. What he said impacted the staff and those that were there in a tremendous way, and we wanted to share it with you as leaders on our campus. Get excited, because this is going to change your life! (This clip is 20 minutes long, but well worth every minute!) 

Wasn't that amazing! As a PRAYER TARGET this week we are going to be praying against fear in our own lives, and the lives that are a part of this movement. NO FEAR HERE! 

In other news: 

Last night we had 68 people get baptized and make a public declaration of their faith; what an amazing sight to see! Thank you for working so hard, week after week to see people give their lives to Christ! 

Healing School: Next week class starts! Healing school will rock your world, spirit soul and body. Make sure to come and expect God to do big things in your life! 

Party in the Park: In just two weekends we will be having a fiesta to remember! Food, friends, sports, face painting, salsa dancing and don't forget the PINATA! Bring the family and let's party! 
(See the post last week for more details) 



Jessica serves in our Kic department, in the Jungle Classroom, and always does a beyond, fantastic job! She is always willing to lend a hand and has the best attitude doing it. Jessica will stay after everyone's long gone just to clean and take care of her classroom. She adores the children that she is impacting and always does her best to make sure the kids are enjoying it too. Thank you Jessica for all you do and for being a great leader on our campus, we love you! :) 

Thank you Clovis Leaders! We hope that this blog rocked your world today! :)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Turning up the Temperature!

Welcome to the blog Clovis Volunteers, we sure hope you're having a great day today! Here's the LINK to this month's calendar, we've got some great things planned coming soon so make sure you don't miss out!


These next Wednesday nights are sure to pack a punch; make every effort to be apart!

Water Baptisms: Bring your bathing suits, floaties, and towel, because we're throwing the greatest pool party this world has ever seen!  Come out and celebrate what God is doing in every individual's life who has made the decision to follow Christ. Who knows, you may want to take a dip yourself!

Wednesday, April 24th
Clovis Campus

Healing School United: The Bible has so much to say about health and wholeness in our bodies; physically, mentally, and emotionally. This hour long class is open to anyone and everyone who is open to learning more about healing and to whomever may need to receive healing in any area of their life. What an incredible two nights; we would love to see you there!

Wednesday, May 1st & 8th 
Clovis Campus

C Group Summer: We believe that this summer is going to be the best one so far for the people of Celebration! As we launch into the summer months, Wednesday nights will be an open night, with the intention that everyone can in our C Groups! Whether you jump into an existing group or start your own, C Groups are where it's at this summer! Getting involved with a C Group is healthy and good for anyone looking to grow in their life. We have tons of C Groups to be involved in from groups to RESOURCE you, to OUTREACH this city, or even having fun in any number of ACTIVITIES. Let's gear up for an amazing C GROUP SUMMER!!! 


Party in the Park
Sunday, May 5th, you and families are officially invited to our annual Party in the Park! This is going to be a time to unplug, get the lawn chair out, maybe play some volley ball, and relax! Here are some of the details:

  • Open to the whole church and their family
  • Woodward Park/ Activity Area  
  • 4pm-7pm 
  • Hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided.
  • Please bring a side dish and a dessert to share and drinks for you and your family. 
  • $5 dollar parking fee for Woodward Park.
  • Bring the fun too! 



Ken and Teri are a wonderful couple! These two have had faithful involvement in serving for over 10 years! They are always willing to step in where there is a need and always have a smile doing it! Whether it's being dressed as clown for the kids making balloon animals, welcoming guests in our Visitor Lounge, helping at our lobby tables, or running their C Group, they are always in the game with a willing heart! Thank you Ken and Teri!

Thank you for tuning in for another blog visit! Let's go into this weekend full of passion and vision to see our city reached. We believe that we are the tip of the spear in this Valley; let's win this city together!

Clovis Team :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Game Changer

Hey Clovis Leaders thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to check out the blog today, you can be assured that your time will be well spent! 

What an amazing weekend we just experienced, wasn't it?! That was definitely a game changer for all of us! If you missed it, Pastor Randy showed us this video that we believe is a right now word for us. Pastor encouraged us to listen to this message from John Kilpatrick as much as possible, and really get a hold of everything that God has for our lives. Check out the video below.

The new calendar has been posted for this month's events, so make sure and take a look because this could be you: 

Visitor: "Hey what's going on this month at church?"
You: "... Uhhh, I don't know. I didn't click on the link this week to find out."(sad face) 

It's very important as leaders that we stay up to date on what's going on in the church and on our campus so that we can effectively communicate to someone who may be new or out of the loop. Most importantly we don't want you to miss out on all the great things we have going on this month! Just click on the LINK to check it out! Thanks Clovis Leaders!

You are all officially invited to our Celebration-- POOL PARTY! We will be having Water Baptisms on Wednesday, April 24th, at 7pm. This is a time where we can all come together and celebrate what God is doing in the lives of all the people who made the decision to give their life to Jesus Christ! If you haven't been baptized and want to be you can sign up at the Connection Point tables in the lobby.

This week's prayer target is for Rick Warren, the founder and Senior Pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest California. Recently Pastor Warren and his family suffered the tragic loss of his son Matthew, who was 27 years old. For anyone who's ever experienced the loss of a loved one you can understand what this family is going through. So lets all pray that they will have peace in their spirit, soul, and body, and that they'll be comforted during this hard time.


                                                 The Matthews Family!
The Matthews family has gone above and beyond at the Clovis Campus and deserves some BIG recognition! 

Patrick and Patti serve in our security department and always show up with a big smile, ready to serve! They have helped the team tremendously and bring a great boost of moral every time they step into action. 

"Patrick and Patti aren't just great volunteers, they are great friends to everyone on the campus." 
                 - Jacob Justice

The Matthews girls serve in our KIC ministry and are always willing to step in when they are needed, and are great with the kids. 
Brittni serves in Big KIC always gives one-hundred percent to every task she is given in any capacity. Caetlyn and Alyssa serve in Little KIC and are always playing and connecting with the kids, and never miss an opportunity to lend a helping hand to their lead teachers. 

"The Mathews sisters are awesome!" - Miguel Serano

Thank you family for all you do! 

Thanks Clovis Volunteers for tuning in this week. We love you and are excited to see all that God has in store for us! 

Clovis Team

Friday, April 5, 2013

An Awesome April Weekend!


When you look up "Volunteer of the Week" in the dictionary, this is the picture that comes up! What an awesome couple these two are, going above and beyond every weekend. Anthony helps manage the Usher Team and Gloria is one of our Coffee Bar managers. This dynamic duo always brings new ideas to the table to make ministry better and they do a terrific job taking care of their team. 

"What would we do without these two! They make us better, take initiative, and have a huge heart for people!"
- Brandi Sanders 

Thank you Anthony and Gloria for being tremendous leaders on our campus! It's an honor to serve  with you! 

Thanks everyone! Let's have a great weekend!