Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thank You Clovis Leaders!

CLOVIS LEADERS! There are never enough words in the English language to express how thankful we are for you and for everything that you’re doing (see picture for more alternatives- lol) to advance the kingdom of God in this city. Each one of you are so unique play such vital role in creating an atmosphere for people to be impacted, and we are THANKFUL!

Just yesterday at our Men's Workshop, one of our G4:2 students talked to someone that is very new to the church. The "new" individual said that immediately as he stepped foot onto our campus, he felt like he was home. Because everyone was so warm and friendly and hospitable, he was able to let his guard down and experience God in a very real way. That’s awesome! Thank you Clovis Volunteers for making that possible!

We want to hear how Volunteering at Celebration Church has impacted your life! Here are some potential questions you can ask yourself to get the ball rolling:

What has God done in your life since you’ve started serving?

What healthy relationships have been developed?

Have you had the opportunity to see someone impacted as a result of your service?

What’s the best part about Volunteering?

We would love to hear your responses! Some of these replies may be read in one of our services or used in this blog, so please don’t hesitate to send them in! Please e-mail them to

This weekend we will be having our once a month, Volunteer Orientation! We will be sharing the vision and “why” behind volunteering, and some other great information that you need to know. If you haven’t attended the orientation yet, you need to be there!

This is also a great opportunity to get someone “plugged-in” if they aren’t already. If volunteering has changed your life for the better, let’s get others involved too!

The orientation will take place after our Sunday morning service, in the sanctuary (to the right of the stage). We will give everyone about 10 minutes to use the restroom or checkout their kids before we get started.

Last weekend, Pastor Randy continued with our awesome Forward series, but left us with a cliffhanger! He explained that we need a rod in our hand to move forward, and I don't know about you, but I'm excited to find out what that rod is!

We want to encourage you, don't look back at the past, but to press your way into the abundant life God has for you! There are amazing promises that God has given us corporately and also individually, so let's march into our Promised Land and take em!

As we are encouraged, it's our job as leaders to encourage someone else. Let's use our influence to get people there this weekend. They need to know that God has great plans for them as they keep moving FORWARD!


This last week Rick really went above the call of duty and helped improve the facility of our Clovis Campus. The Clovis staff would’ve been like the Three Stooges without him! Besides coming to the rescue, he is also highly involved in other parts of the ministry. Lisa, his wife, and himself are involved with our cGroups and are always opening up their beautiful home to host gatherings. They are also a great asset to the Prayer Team during the weekend and Rick helps as a Men’s leader as well. Thank you Rick for being an outstanding leader on our campus, we love and appreciate you! 

Thursday, September 19, 2013



We are just days away from jumping into the best Workshop Celebration has ever had!

Please help us this weekend by getting men and women on board with us. Use the God given influence you have in people’s lives to get them there and signed up. There’s no need to manipulate them, just tell them what God has done in your life personally at these workshops, and that should do the trick!

Men- This is your LAST chance to get in on our early bird special! $20 for six weeks of food, a binder full of curriculum, and a ton of giveaway prizes- it doesn’t get much better than that!

We’re excited about these next couple of weeks; we hope that you are too!


The job of a host or hostess is no easy task, but if successfully executed, there can be a tremendous amount of satisfaction.

Every weekend we are privileged and responsible to be hosts. Our church that we are a part of is not just a church, but it’s our home! As the leaders on our campus it is our job to see that place as our home. Each service we are welcoming and embracing people coming into our home and as hosts, are there to help them with anything that they need.

Some people may need help in their marriage. Some people want to get more involved. And some are there for their very first time and just don’t know where to start. 

It’s our job leaders point them in the right direction; where they can go to get their need met. Familiarize yourself with everything going on at the campus. Help married couples get into a cGroup, give that guy an Interest Card to get involved, and walk that new comer straight to the Visitor’s Lounge where they can start their new journey.

Thank you for being such wonderful leaders and “hosts” in our home. You are knocking it out of the park!  


It’s official! Celebration will be having a Halloween Bash on October 31st!

We will be having a blast that night at the Clovis Campus and want you to bring your families and friends to have fun with us!

Lots of candy, food, bounce toys, and fun for kids and teenagers.

More information to come!


Dora is an amazing, faithful volunteer that pours into the next generation every week as she serves in Starry Night. She is a strong leader that is not only committed to serving children, but building strong volunteers; helping them fulfill their calling. Dora also helps out tremendously during the week organizing and preparing the curriculum for KIC. She is a HUGE part of our team and we appreciate her so much!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Opposite of BACKWARD is....


Good news leaders--- We are not staying where we are or looking back, we are moving FORWARD!

This power packed series is continuing on, and as a staff we couldn’t be more excited. The truth is, we have been praying and believing for you, and to hear that God wants to move this group of leaders forward is an exhilarating thing to hear! Our weekend is planned out to be great and fun for everyone that attends, but it’s more than just a gathering, it’s an opportunity for God to rock our world!

Let’s keep putting pressure on inviting people to church. Life can be so busy, but we have to always keep in mind the real reason why we are here. There are thousands of people in this city that have been looking for something their entire lives- let’s introduce them Jesus!


The bottom-line concerning our Men’s and Women’s Workshop is that we strongly believe that this is going to be the best one yet!

When we gather together, in gender specific, smaller groups, it gives God a huge opportunity to do big things! For starters, these next couple of weeks will give God a chance to speak to you. We will be diving into some amazing curriculum that is guaranteed to move your life FORWARD. (no pun intended)

Another great reason to be involved is because healthy relationships are established. Men and women get the opportunity to be around other godly men and women that are moving in the same direction as they are. Trust is built and accountability is established. Life is not meant to be carried out alone!

And lastly, these next weeks are going to be fun! When you get a room full of guys or girls together, throw some food in the mix, and have some great giveaways, there’s no stopping the fun!

Leaders we need your help to communicate to get the word out about these workshops. It’s only a success if people show up and get impacted, so let’s get them there!

Here are some details for the workshops:

- $20 EARLY BIRD SPECIAL ($25 at the door)
- Wednesdays, September 25th- October 30th (6 weeks)
- Curriculum: Dave Martin, 12 Traits of the Greats
- Catered dinner and dessert
- Curriculum binders. Include worksheets, resource papers, etc.

- $5
- Wednesdays, September 25th – November 20th (9 weeks)
- Curriculum: Beth Moore, Living Beyond Yourself
- Worksheets included


Tinia is an amazing asset to our team! She has been a part of 2sm for four years, and she is such a faithful, committed leader! She is someone we can always rely on, and Tinia never hesitates to put in extra effort to go above and beyond. Whether it’s on a Tuesday night or a weekend service, Tinia’s heart to reach the next generation is evident in everything that she does. Thank you Tinia for your hard work, we love you!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

We're Moving FORWARD

Clovis Leaders thank you for taking the time to check out the blog! It is our desire to add value to you first as an individual and as a leader on our campus. Here are a few things to equip you for just that. 


This weekend begins our Forward series with Pastor Randy! The staff understands that most people in life need to move forward from the muck and the mire of life that they are currently in; but we know that this word from God concerning us moving forward has specific ramifications for those that are a part of this movement. There’s no doubt about it!

With that being said, it is imperative for those of us that call Celebration our home to be here for this series. If we are the “leaders” of this campus, then we have the responsibility to first move FORWARD and help lead others; people can only go where their leaders go first.

And just like last week’s post mentioned, it is also our duty and privilege to introduce people not just to church, but to the Creator Himself! Won’t it be wonderful to one day be in Heaven and meet all the people that YOU impacted on Earth? Let’s continue to keep that perspective.

There will be NO Wednesday Prayer Next week (Sept 11th) or the following week (Sept 18th). 

We will resume Wednesday nights with: 


Ladies and Gentlemen, we are about to get this party started!

Wednesday, September 25th, at 7pm we will be launching our Fall Workshops that are guaranteed to bring value and help to your life.

Most of you have been a part of these incredible sessions and we need your help to spread the word! Most of you did a great job talking about Miley Cyrus and her.....interesting performance, so I know that you can spread some GOOD words about Men’s and Women’s!



Omar is an amazing leader. He helps out where ever he can to make our campus better and always gives 100% effort. He plays a big role in 2SM as a student leader and volunteers a lot of his time as a Big KIC leader as well. These two ministries are incredibly grateful that he is on their team! And last but not least, Omar not only swoons the ladies with his great smile but he also uses it to welcome new people onto our campus. Thank you Omar for your leadership on our campus!