Thursday, December 26, 2013


Hello Clovis Leaders! We hope that you all had an amazing Christmas this year, filled with lots of fun. Can you believe that the New Year is already approaching?! As a staff we strongly believe that this is going to be our best year yet! 2014 will be fantastic! - We aren't surviving, we're THRIVING!!!

Here is a wonderful excerpt from the book Today Matters by John Maxwell - one of the leading leaders of our day. As we step into 2014, consider applying the truths in this segment to launch you forward:

What Does Your Daily Agenda Say About You?

By John Maxwell

How would you describe your life? Are you achieving what you desire? Are you accomplishing the things that are important to you? Do you consider yourself a success? How do your prospects look for the future? If I could come to your house and spend just one day with you, I would be able to tell whether or not you will be successful. You could pick the day. If I got up with you in the morning and went through the day with you, watching you for 24 hours, I could tell in what direction your life is headed. When I tell this to people at conferences, there's always a strong reaction. Some people are surprised. Some get defensive because they think I would be making a snap judgment about them. A few get ticked off because they think my claim sounds arrogant. Others are intrigued and desire to know why I make such a statement. Here is why: I believe that the secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda. If you make a few key decisions and then manage them well in your daily agenda, you will succeed. You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. You see, success, doesn't just suddenly occur one day in someone's life. For that matter, neither does failure. Each is a process. Every day of your life is merely preparation for the next. What you become is the result of what you do today. In other words... You are preparing for something. The question is, What are you preparing for? Are you grooming yourself for success or failure? As my father used to tell me when I was growing up, "You can pay now, and play later, or you can play now and pay later. But either way, you are going to pay." The idea was that you can play and take it easy and do what you want today, but if you do, your life will be harder later. However, if you work hard now, on the front end, then you will reap rewards in the future. Think about it: What are you preparing for today? Success or failure? Does your daily agenda indicate that you make a habit of paying before you play? Answering these questions is a good predictor of what you will become tomorrow and in the future.


Let’s set our expectation high as we embark on a special weekend with Damon Thompson! Invite your friends and family for an awesome weekend.



Have you ever seen the Connection Point tables in the lobby swarming with ladies? Well good-looking Eddie is the culprit!

Eddie is a fantastic leader on our campus, helping us in every which way. He serves as a Greeting Team Manager, and loves helping people in any way that he can. More specifically, Eddie went above the call of duty this last week, coming into the offices to help during his time off! He serves at our Connection Point tables, as a Men’s leader, and has even helped us with our Starting Point class. Thank you Eddie for being an outstanding contributor to the Clovis Campus- you’ve been an amazing leader to work with!

Thursday, December 19, 2013


CLOVIS LEADERS! Christmas is practically here! As a staff, we want to wish you and your families a MERRY Christmas, and we hope that it’s the best one yet! We are so thankful to be a part of the Christmas season with you as we celebrate Jesus’ B-Day together. Let’s have a great time! 

It is time to party! Here’s your invite for tomorrow night!


Like our bold title indicates, we need to make a gigantic effort to see souls added to the kingdom of God this weekend! There are too many people counting on us for us to sit back on our booties now! Read this scripture and prayerfully consider who you are supposed to invite:

Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to die; save them as they stagger to their death.
Don’t excuse yourself by saying, “Look, we didn’t know.” For God understands all hearts, and he sees you. He who guards your soul knows you knew. He will repay all people as their actions deserve. 
Proverbs 24:11

This weekend as you know, we are throwing out the net. We are going to see souls saved, so why not it be your friends and family?!



Lisa is an amazing KIC volunteer! She serves as the lead teacher in our Garden classroom on Sunday mornings. She is always making new families feel welcome, and the kids love being in her class. She is faithful and passionate about what she does. Thank you Lisa!!! 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Christmas Time in Clovis...

Volunteers, the time has come...

One night to celebrate you.
One night to feel like the VIP you are.
And hey...
One night you don’t have to cook dinner!

It’s our:

This evening expect fun, food, and to be surrounded by the most amazing people on the planet and the best part... you won’t have to have to do any work at all! You heard right... we don’t want you to do anything! This is our opportunity to serve you!

We love and appreciate you all so much and we jump on every opportunity we get to express our gratitude for all that you do. We are looking forward to partyin’ it up with ya!  You won’t want to miss this!

Christmas Outreach

What an honor and a privilege to be able to serve the children in our community! 

Thank you to each and every one of you who have sponsored a child.  We have so many kids who will not go without this Christmas because of you. THANK YOU!

Now, if you haven’t gotten on board yet... WE NEED YOU!
There are still children available to sponsor and we want everyone to get involved!  If you are unable to sponsor a child on your own, we encourage you to team up with others. We are all able to do something!

Through our Christmas Outreaches this year, we are able to provide Christmas gifts for hundreds of children in this valley! The students of the schools we have adopted will not only receive a gift, but will also get to experience Celebration first hand.  The families will be receiving their gift the evening they attend our Christmas production.  Let’s get prepared to see hundreds of new families!!!

A Chat with Pastor Randy
Here’s a clip of Pastor Randy “chatting” with us in Morning Prayer. This is some great perspective of where we are as a church and personally in our lives. Enjoy! 



Jennifer has been serving on the Saturday night coffee bar team for some time now. She's someone who embodies commitment and dedication while having a blast! We want to acknowledge her this week for going above and beyond. She’s been spending some extra time shopping & making sure our coffee bar is fully stocked, clean and ready for you & our guests each weekend. Jenn you ROCK! 

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Wonderful Leaders! We absolutely appreciate each one of you! Thank you for taking the time to visit the Blog today and resource yourself as a leader on our Campus.         

This weekend is going to be HUGE!

Matthew Barnett, all the way from the Dream Center in Los Angeles and Samuel Rodriguez, from Sacramento will be with us this weekend, and we are expecting God to move in a mighty way! 

Also, our very own Pastor Randy Hand will be with us this Sunday morning and you won't want to miss out on what GOD has in store for you. We’re asking you that as leaders you aggressively INVITE! There will be food vendors and even big gift card giveaways in these services—plenty of bribing material :).

Matthew Barnett: Saturday @ 6pm           
Pastor Randy: Sunday @ 10:00am
Samuel Rodriguez: Sunday @ 6pm

Let’s continue to allow God’s Kairos to invade our Kronos (tic, toc, tic, toc) and seize all the moments He has for us!

Recruit ONE.

We want the people of Celebration to get connected to Volunteering! We are 100% sure, you all have an amazing story about how volunteering has helped you, and we want that to be the experience for everyone that attends here. With your help, by RECRUITING ONE, we can not only double our current volunteer base but we can have many “amazing stories” at our church.

And just a reminder, we will be updating the “Recruit ONE Top 10” list, to notify those who have been recruiting more than one person, and who is in the race for the $100 grand prize! Thank you all for participating in this campaign, we appreciate you all so much!


Do you want to grow and develop your relationship with Christ? I think we can all answer yes to that question, but some of us may not know how to practically do that, so that’s why we created STARTING POINT.

Starting Point provides you with an opportunity to discover how to mature your relationship with Christ, at whatever stage it is currently in. Here you will be given tools and the resources necessary to bring growth in your spiritual walk. And not only will you learn, but you'll have fun doing it! (The complete opposite of high school) 

This class will be held next Tuesday night, December 10th, at 6:30pm to 8pm. It’s not 6 weeks or a year long commitment, it’s only ONE time! Take the time to grow your relationship with Christ! 

Food and childcare will be provided.



Daryl faithfully serves on the Greeting Team for our Clovis Campus. The positive energy, awesome attitude, and fun personality that Daryl brings to our church every week, is greatly appreciated by us all. Besides Greeting, Daryl is always ready to go above and beyond to serve and help out in any way he can. He is such an encouragement and help on our campus, and as a staff we are so excited to move FORWARD with this awesome guy!

Thank you so much Daryl for all you do! We love and appreciate you greatly!