We want to take a moment to say Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your day with family & friends. We also want to say how thankful we are for all that you do for the Kingdom of God by partnering with us to serve here at Celebration.
Hebrews 6:10 (NIV) "God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them."
Without you we couldn't do what we're doing. Bigger than that God doesn't forget, He rewards you now and He rewards you in eternity. Celebration is what it is today because of your unselfish willingness to serve. We are thankful for you!
Hello ALL you incredible Clovis Leaders! Hope your week has been FULL of God's Goodness! Remember, we serve such a GOOD GOD & a God who desires to pour out His GOODNESS on us! Let's expect & believe for that GOODNESS in our lives. On another note, I came across this blog post this week & I wanted to share it with all of our leaders in Clovis.
If you get a chance today read Luke 15…all of it. It’s the only time in the Scriptures that Jesus told three parables in a row about the same exact subject. Notice a few similarities in all three stories…
#1 – Something was lost. (We live in a world that is lost, without hope because they do not know Christ.)
#2 – A passive attitude was NOT taken towards what was lost. In fact, in two of the three stories an all out search took place…and in the third the father was watching for his lost son to come home. As followers of Jesus what is important to Him MUST be important to us…andLuke 19:10 tells us why He came. We CANNOT be passive towards people who are far from God. (Read II Corinthians 5:16-21)
#3 – When what was lost was found a party/celebration took place. When people receive Christ the church should absolutely LOSE THEIR MINDS! Someone literally crossed over from death to life! And…if heaven rejoices when someone meets Jesus then we, as His followers, must learn to do the same.
The next couple of weekends will be our Chair Series & can be some of the most incredible weekends we’ve ever had…the LIFE CHANGING POWER OF GOD is going to be presented by REAL PEOPLE and lives ARE going to be changed!
Clovis Leaders, FOUND people FIND people!
So…who are you bringing to church on this weekend? Who are the people from work, school, your neighborhood, in your family that you know need to hear about God's life changing power? Let's do whatever it takes to get them there and believe for a HARVEST OF SOULS!
In Other News:
1) We are bursting at the seams with different Events & Outreaches. From Star Tree & The 99 to Salsa Night & Training Day- lots of opportunity to build community and get involved impacting our city. My desire is that all of us would get involved however we can. I believe what made the Early Church of Acts so successful (the church was added to DAILY) is that the believers were committed to community. They constantly met together outside of "church services" and enjoyed life together. Community is a powerful thing & every believers life can be stronger, healthier & better if we live in community with one another. So the challenge at hand is GET INVOLVED & HELP US get the "normal weekend attenders" INVOLVED as well.
2) If you are serving at The 99 (which Celebration is greatly represented, thanks to many of you), please do not neglect your current volunteer responsibilities. Your leadership, presence and support is so vital for the success of our weekend services. In other words, your absence is felt when your not there. So please just be aware of your current volunteer schedule to ensure there are no conflicts, thanks :)
3) MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! Dec. 4th MATTHEW BARNETT will be with us. He's the Pastor of Angeles Temple and the founder of the Dream Center in Los Angeles. He's a great man of God and it's going to be a powerful night; make sure you don't miss out! Dec. 4th, Clovis Campus @ 6pm.
4) DISCIPLESHIP CLASS this coming Tuesday, Nov. 22nd at our Clovis Campus 6:30pm. If you are a new volunteer and have not been a part of our Discipleship class, please try to be there. Or if you know people who need a good foundation and tools to help develop/grow their relationship with Christ, get them to this class, it will be perfect for them. Food and Childcare will be provided.
5) We LOVE you and APPRECIATE you so much. It's truly an honor to serve and build the Kingdom of God with you!
Clovis Volunteers! We so appreciate you, and because we do, we want to keep you updated on the latest info. Here's your weekly briefing on how you can help our campus go to the next level. Thank you team, you are awesome!
The Chair
The series that rocked our world in October is back in action! Taking a paragraph to explain how powerful these testimonies are would be a waste of time because we all know just how much of a punch they each carry. This is an in-house outreach we have every year that is specifically designed to reach the lost. As much as you would like to kick your feet up, pop some popcorn, and enjoy the show, this series isn't for us; it's for our lost neighbors, friends, and families that are looking for something more to life. Let's answer their call by inviting them to one of these weekends.
*The Chair will be airing on the weekend of the 19th and the 26th
On the Wall Prayer
I know how you feel. It's the middle of the week, it's been a long day at work, and nothing sounds better than eating pizza and watching The X Factor. BUT (excuse my big but), how much better would you feel coming into an environment and being touched and refreshed by the presence of God? No one on this planet can convince me that watching something on TV, reading the newspaper, or even stuffing my face with cheesy pizza is better than an experience with God! Come at 7pm to our Clovis Campus on Wednesdays not to just push this movement to another level but to get an infilling from God that you have desperately been needing. In Acts 16, the Bible teaches us that Paul and Silas' chains broke off as they began to worship and pray; what are some chains that you need to see fall off? Come see those things break and your spirit lifted at our Wednesday night, On the Wall services, I promise you will love it :)
Events and Outreaches
Do you want to eat whatever you want for Thanksgiving without feeling guilty and support Paid and Full at the same time?! Well look no further folks because Training Day has arrived and he is here to help! With some pointers and instruction from three former NFL players, a sprint all-star, and a D1 coach you can learn how to get in the best shape of your life. No matter what level you are at or how much experience you have, these people (male and female) are willing to walk you through the steps it will take for you to reach your specific physical goals. This will take place at our Clovis Campus, on Saturday, Nov. 19th, from 10am-12pm. The cost is $25 and every penny will go towards our Paid and Full campaign. Bring your co-workers, neighbors, and friends- they will love it! Sign-up this weekend!
We have a ton of great things going on at the church that you and your family can get involved with. Please check out the table this weekend to see what you can participate in and how you can help spread the word to others.
*Please see November Calendar two posts below to see our different events
The 99
Celebration has the opportunity, this month, to partner with other churches in the Valley and with an organization called The 99 to see a boat-load of salvations! The 99 is a reality walk-through theatre that is being set up in our new Fresno location parking lot. The 99 crew has estimated that around 20 thousand people will be walking though it, with a total of 2 to 10 thousand salvations! This is a great outreach opportunity for us to unite with other churches and we want to show our support.
It takes roughly 250 volunteers every night to put this on and you can sign-up to do anything from being a cast member, to security, to hospitality, or a counselor. Besides seeing countless amounts of people get saved, you will also receive a meal every night you serve!
In order to volunteer you must attend one of the two meetings that will be held this Saturday, Nov. 12th from 10am-12pm and on Monday, Nov. 14th from 6:30-8:30pm. These meetings will be held at the new Fresno location parking lot, in the big white tent.
Check out the video below for more information!
Creating an Irresistible Environment
Congratulations you are a leader! A leader is simply a person that is followed by others and I hope you understand that it'sGod that has given you this opportunity. Whether you have the badge on or not, when you step onto our Clovis Campus you are a leader that has the ability to set the atmosphere. Help us create such an irresistible environment that puts anything else in this city to shame. Let's go toe to toe with Starbucks and the Cinemas, and restaurants- people are looking for answers and we're the ones who have been entrusted with it! Let's make everything about us communicate that we are glad to be there, and when we do, we will begin to attract those people. Know this, that when you are gone, whether you are serving or not, your absence is felt. You aren't just a warm body in a chair, you are a leader that is helping to mobilize a body of people to reach and affect a community- you are needed!
We love you and want you know that we have a special invitation for every volunteer to pick up this weekend! Please see the volunteer table to receive it. Thank you everyone, we'll see you this weekend!
I told a volunteer yesterday as I gave them a big hug, "I wish I could buy you an awesome, convertible sports car." They pulled away from the hug and looked at me with a confused look, "Why?" they smiled, "Why?!" I asked, "because of all the amazing things you do here!"
It's one thing to work with people every week who do their job well but it's a whole different story when you get to work with people who do their job well AND do it with a great heart. Thank you for volunteering your valuable time to be apart of something that God is doing in this Valley, we love you! Here are some of the big things that are on the plate for this weekend- enjoy!
Is God Really Good?
The series that rocked your world last weekend continues on! Someone that I am close with said that they couldn't help but just cry and cry in the middle of service as Pastor began uncovering the truth that we serve a good, good God. Please don't allow this simple truth to fall on deaf ears and calloused hearts, let it go deep and allow the message of God's goodness to penetrate every area of your life. If you missed last weekend you should kiss the man's feet who invented audio recording! This teaching is available on Podcast and in our Lounge, make sure to get caught up to speed if you missed out. Last but not least, let's remember that this truth is meant to help other people besides us! Some of us are so spiritually fat, sitting there week after week gobbling up great, life changing messages without sharing them with others, and that is the whole point of the weekend! Let's do our part, get bold, and invite the lost and hurting this weekend; they need to hear about the good God we serve :)
Sunday Night Service with Glen Berteau
If you got a "trick" instead of a "treat" this Halloween you are not too late my friend, because this Sunday night will be packed with treats! Spiritual treats that is, that won't leave ugly cavities. [Just a side note, there is one person on our staff who has a fear of cavities, but I won't mention her name. She is requesting prayer in this area and Brandi is showing much improvement.] Please be in expectation for God to do something great for this service. God is a great God who loves when we believe for great things from Him. We'll see you there at 6pm that evening, and bring a friend too- who wouldn't want to experience that service?
November Calendar
It's never just a normal day around here at Celebration. We've got something for everyone this month and eating dried out turkey isn't all you have to look forward to. See the post below for more details!