Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Welcome to our blog!!!

Hello Clovis Volunteers!!! We want to officially welcome you to our blog site! Now before you go bashing this new 21st century way of communication let us explain. Well, perhaps our good friend Webster would define it better. This is what he has to say about it:
Blog |bläg| (Looks like something your dog might leave behind)
Web site on which an individual or group of users produces an ongoing narrative Most of his work colleagues were unaware of his blog until recently.
In a nutshell, this blog is going to help us all communicate better. There are lots of things going on at Celebration if you haven't noticed and we want you all to have the inside scoop. We value and appreciate every one of you and by effectively passing information to you we are demonstrating that. Not only will we post crucial info pertaining to church but any great leadership tips or spiritual nuggets we get we can immediately pass on to you! You'll be able to see video updates that we add and who knows, you may get a joke post that brightens up your day. This blog site has been made for you, so keep posted!