Thursday, December 8, 2011

Help is Here, The Path is Clear!

The Word of the Lord for this Movement: 

Clovis Volunteers we have stepped into a new, bright season: a season of uncluttered paths and obstacle free destinations. Where there once was confusion and trouble, there is now peace and tranquility, IF we can mix faith with the Word of God that was spoken. Take hold of that word for yourself! Don't let it pass you by like Pastor Cherie has been teaching us about the Israelites who had a promise from God to go into the Promise Land but never got the chance to enter it because they didn't take hold of it. What amazing things God has spoken and done in this Movement just in this month alone! 

Last Sunday night with Matthew Barnett was phenomenal; the stories he told, and the jokes he made, but the best thing I thought was the cause that he stirred on the inside of us for our own city. Can't you picture us having a huge facility capable of holding hundreds of lost and hurting people, just looking for a place to stay the night and some food to eat? Or what about blessing underprivileged children like the story of the woman taking 40 young girls all around town? I want to encourage you to keep dreaming big, God inspired dreams; don't place self-imposed limitations on yourself, God lives inside of you and you are apart of His plan to bring a revival to this city! 

*Just a side note- Pastor Matthew who travels all over the country, speaking to churches that we think are all that and a bag of chips, said that OUR church had something different about it than any other church he has been to! What a privilege it is to be apart of this! 

The miracles that took place Wednesday night is the genesis to what I believe is going to be the biggest outbreak of God's power this Valley has ever seen. Isn't it amazing how if we can just do what God tells us to do like, "lay hands on the sick and they will recover," that we can know that they will recover?! What a novel concept: just do what God says to do! We want to encourage you to write in on Celebration's Testify link on the homepage and take a second to brag about what God has done for you. Also make sure to verbalize your miracle to other people around you; be bold and willing to share God's goodness in your life to others. By doing so you'll build up their faith to receive a miracle too. Don't be a miracle hog! :) 

This Weekend
You may want to get some psychiatric help if you think that this weekend is going to be average, especially after what has transpired these last few weeks! We are big advocates of challenging you to come with an expectant attitude, because it's in that type of environment where God can turn loose and bring about a miracle. The Bible teaches us that Jesus was literally unable to do anything in His hometown, besides a few healings, because of the lack of faith and a spirit a familiarity He found there; I don't want to be apart of that kind of church! This weekend we are also asking all of our volunteers to join us for a quick meeting on Sunday, in the Big Kic Auditorium, at 9am. We're going to be getting some vision on how we are going to finish this year strong and we need you, and your gorgeous morning face there, if you are able to :). 

In Conclusion...
Let's continue to believe that God is going to perform signs, wonders, and miracles. God didn't use up all of His miraculous power on Wednesday night, He's like the Energizer Bunny- He keeps going and going and going! He's the God of miracles and if you still need one, He's got an endless supply! Pastor encouraged us not to give up on this year: we've got one more month left and this December can be the best month that we have ever experienced. We love all of you dearly and are excited to participate in life with you. What an amazing opportunity God has given us! 

Clovis Staff 

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