Friday, January 18, 2013

Just as we promised you Clovis Volunteers, here are some more tools to help you in the new year.

MARK YOUR CALENDERS for some BIG, IMPORTANT dates that you don't want to miss!
  1. February 16th: We will be having a meeting for ALL Clovis volunteers. 
  • Casting Vision 
  • Setting Goals 
  • Basic Security Training for ALL areas

  • Vision for March Madness & Easter

Wednesday Nights
The call is out to mobilize the people of Celebration to FAST from sun-up through service out on Wednesdays. There's no better way to position ourselves for a breakthrough 2013 than to start the year with fasting. As the leaders of this ministry, participate and come join us on these nights & let's experience God's best this year!

Reading Plan
Hopefully by now you've started our new Bible Reading Plan for 2013. Nothing unites the body of Christ like going through God's Word together. This is our life-line and so important to the life of the believer, especially as leaders. If your not on board yet, join us, grab the plan from Connection Point Lobby Tables or Guest Services and get in the game. We truly believe this is a HUGE adjustment for Celebration to position us for greatness in 2013.

Leadership Tool
The Clovis Staff read an article a few weeks ago written by Dr. Cho. He is a mighty man of God who has built the worlds largest church in Korea from the ground up. His congregation is currently around 800,000 members and growing. In this article he shares how he builds/expands his faith & how he has accomplished such great success in his life. He really simplified it down to doing 4 simple things, which he referred to as the Incubation. Much like a chicken will incubate her eggs until they hatch, we too must incubate God's vision for our lives (our goals) and incubate them until they come to pass. We believe this will be a great resource to you guys as you develop vision for your lives in 2013!

Clear Goal
 In order for us to incubate, you must have a clear-cut idea in your mind as your goal is before you. Your heart has to be filled with the desire; the Holy Spirit will answer you based upon the desire of your heart. When a mother hen lays her eggs, she has to sit on them, or incubate them, so that the eggs can hatch and become baby chicks. In the same way, that desire is like an egg, ready to be incubated.

We should know how to visualize the end result of our goal. Just as a hen dreams the chick out of the egg, so we should clearly see the end result of our goal, in our vision and dream. If you have not visualized clearly in your heart exactly what you hope for, it cannot become a reality for you. The things you really hope for can only be possessed as you visualize them clearly in your heart and mind. When they are clear in your mind the deep desire for God to grant that request now becomes a vision in your heart as well as a prayer.

Pray with fervency
After having a vision you must pray fervently to have substance. Faith is the "substance." To make faith substantial you must have the assurance in your heart. Just as if you own a piece of property you have its title deed, you should have such an assurance in your heart that excludes all doubts about the fulfillment of that goal and vision which you already incubated. So, when you have a clear-cut goal and have those things in the visions and dreams, then you have to pray until your faith rises up to become the "substance." 

To have a successful incubation you must release your faith through the confessions of your mouth. When you have the substance, when your faith becomes substantial, you've got to release that substance and confess that its going to be just as your faith reassured you. Concerning salvation the Bible clearly says, in Romans 10:9-10,"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Only by confession can faith power be released allowing tremendous things to happen.

When it comes to going above and beyond, Bill is your man. Bill is committed to serving here on the Clovis campus, happily greeting everyone that walks through the front doors with a friendly smile. He takes ownership over the campus by picking up trash and cleaning with excellence to keep it looking beautiful, and he's always willing to lend a helping hand and step out of his comfort zone. Thank you Bill for everything you do, your hard work is truly an inspiration to us all.

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