Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Blog- Where Dreams Come True!

Thank you for checking out the Clovis Blog Spot this week- the place where all your wildest dreams come true! Almost...

Here is a quick update to keep you sharp and help us build our campus. Thank you for making it a priority! 

Reached people, reach people. Saved people, save people. Do you remember when those words hit your heart like a ton of bricks a few months ago? Let's not Pastor's challenge to us as a campus fall on deaf ears; let's not forget the commission by God to go out and reach our city!

Who needs God around you? Who do you work with that needs to come to church with you? Who are you inviting this weekend? 

One of the biggest outreaches that Celebration is apart of during the year is our Backpack Outreach, and
it's right around the corner! Our goal this year is to pass out 1,000 backpacks to children within Fresno and Clovis and we believe that we can do it! It's amazing how much of an impact this makes in a family's life; we've seen people come to church and get saved, simply because we reached out to them and gave their child a backpack! Don't let this opportunity pass you up!

Shop for all the items below to create a backpack for a child in need:

  • 1 new boy/girl backpack
  • 1 Ream of paper 
  • 1 Pack of #2 Pencils 
  • 1 Pack of colored pencils 

You can bring back packs with the above school items to the Events and Outreach table by Wednesday, August 16th. Thanks!

Here are a few "staples" we have at the church to help people that come to our campus. Help us point people in the right direction by utilizing our staples!

1. Celebration Exposed 
Once a month, following our Sunday morning service, the staff hosts a free lunch for new attendees to enjoy. As they sit, relax, and build relationships, they'll get to hear what Celebration is all about, and what we have to offer. So when you bring someone new, sign them up at the Visitor Lounge, and we'll take care of the rest! 

2. Starting Point
Formally called "Discipleship Class"- Starting Point focuses on how to practically develop your relationship with Christ.  This class will provide you with resources, give you the opportunity to ask questions, meet the some of the staff, and enjoy some food while you’re there. Sign-ups are available at our Workshop table in the Lobby. Childcare is provided. And did I mention how fun it is?!

3. Volunteer Orientation

As you know, Celebration would not be where it is today without the dedication of our wonderful volunteers. Help us get people in the game and let's take Celebration to another level! Once a month, we give people the vision and understanding of becoming a volunteer at our Volunteer Orientation. Bring em' by our Volunteer table and let's get this party started! 

And last but not least- our Volunteer of Week is none other than...

Travis Grimes!!! 

What a team player Travis is at the Clovis Campus! Travis is famous for coming extra early and asking to help with whatever needs to be done for that service. He has saved our staff from tons of headaches and blunders and has a great attitude where ever he is at. Thank you Travis for going above and beyond every week; we love building God's kingdom with you and look forward to your bright days ahead! 

We love you Clovis Volunteers! Please give us a holler if you need anything, we are in this fight with you! 

Clovis Staff

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