Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Hello Clovis Leaders!
Our team feels so privileged to work with you every week as we build the kingdom of God TOGETHER! For the health of the body of Christ, it is vital that we all stay connected in relationship to one another; that’s how God designed it! I know our team spends time during our week praying for you and your families, and we know that TOGETHER we are going to see this city won for Jesus!

PRAYER TARGET- Speaking Growth!
What’s coming out of your mouth? Are you using those two lips for good, or bad?
Just like Pastor Lance talked about this weekend in our vibe, let’s make sure to speak growth into our lives and into our Church. Together we have been called to reach this city, not just Pastor Randy! God put us together on a team to reach this Valley and we need your mouth to help point us in the right direction. So help us pray and declare those confessions we’ve given you over our Church and over your lives; it’s not enough just to have a strong Church, we need your life strong as well! 

Click HERE to see our Confessions. (At the bottom of our Sept. 27th post) 

We are just a few weeks away from launching one of the biggest city outreaches that Celebration puts on during the year- our BACKPACK OUTREACH! 

This is the opportunity for us to step up, help people in our community, and MAKE A CHANGE! This outreach is targeted towards families that need assistance in providing backpacks and school supplies for their children.

So many children in our city never get the chance to properly grow and develop in their education because they are not equipped to do so. In the past when we’ve had this event, words cannot describe the joy on children and parent’s faces when they received their backpacks. What’s even more amazing is seeing those same families show up to church and get saved, all because of a backpack!

Here are some quick details:
* Saturday, August 10th we will be hosting the event in the front of the Manchester Mall.
* To volunteer at the event, please sign-up at the Connection Point Tables.
* Below is a backpack supply list.
* You can purchase a pre-filled backpack for $15 at the Table.
* If you or a family that you know need assistance in this area, please go to the Table a pick-up a registration form.

Backpack Outreach Supplies
____​1 Boy or Girl Backpack
​​​____​1 Ruler
____​1 Pencil Box​​​​
____​2 Spiral Ring Notebooks
____​1 Pack of Pencils
​​​​____​1 Pack of Erasers
____​1 Pack of Crayons
​​​____​1 Pair of Children’s Scissors 
____​  Glue Sticks
​​​​____​1 Mini Calculator
____​1 Sharpener
​​​​____​2 Folders
____​1 Three Ring Binder
​​​​____​1 Pack of Wide Rule Paper


Make sure to make plans to be a part of this life-changing weekend! There is something that God has for you during these services that you need to be there for! Invite someone to join you!


Melinda is one of a kind! Melinda has been at Celebration for many years and has stepped up in various roles. She's a Word Works table leader, C Group Leader, and a part of our Lobby Host team. Melinda is quick to jump in and help in whatever capacity she can; for example, she will come early even when she's not scheduled to make sure we are ready for people coming onto our campus. She has a huge heart to serve God and a desire to see people get connected and build healthy relationships. Thank you Melinda for your commitment; you make this campus better! We are honored to have you as a part of this team!

"I love serving with Melinda! She always has a smile on her face and is willing to do whatever it takes to make the weekend a great one! She's dedicated, passionate and has a tremendous heart for people!" 
-Brandi Sanders

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