Thursday, July 11, 2013

Irresistible Environment!

The first weekend of August, we have the great privilege of having both Glen Berteau and Dr. Dave Martin join us! Some of you may not know who Dr. Dave Martin is, so here is a brief video that will help introduce you to him. 

At Celebration we never glorify a man, but there are men and women that God is using greatly on this Earth that we can learn from, and allow God to speak through to us.  

Please make sure you are there for this power packed weekend! 


How do we create an environment that is irresistible? How do we as leaders make Celebration a place that people want to come to over and over again? Here are some tangible ways that we can achieve this goal: 

Be a person that expects God to move in a BIG way! 
- Our efforts alone can't affect our community, we need God's involvement in EVERYTHING we do! 

Use your smile! 
- No one wants to go back to a bunch of grumps! Help us greet people with a smile and a hello, you never know how big of an impact that can make in someone's life. And don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone to engage others; they are looking for someone to make the first move. 

- Leaders don't sit on the sidelines, leaders lead! We need your help to create a fun atmosphere, where people can be excited, where they can laugh, or dance, and to ultimately feel free to be who they are created to be. By setting the tone of the service you can help someone else experience the same freedom you have discovered. 

- We hope that by now you don't see our Clovis Campus as just a building, but as your 2nd home. By picking up trash that you see on the ground or cleaning up that clumsy person's coffee spill you are protecting that ideal environment that we need and taking care of the home that God has given all of us. 

You all have been doing such a great job creating a friendly, fun place for people; let's keep the momentum going!  


July 13th (THIS SATURDAY!)
Clovis Campus
1st-6th Grade
Drinks & Snacks provided

Tuesday nights are the place to be for 7th-12th graders! 
They have been having some powerful, fun services lately that teenagers would be crazy to miss! 
Clovis Campus 


What is there NOT to say about Susan! She is a faithful and committed volunteer in KIC. Every week she gives it all she has to make KIC the best it can for every kid coming in. She has been serving for years faithfully and is always willing to serve in whatever capacity is needed, during the week and on the weekend. Thank you Susan for making a huge impact on our campus!

"KIC would not be where it is today without awesome people like Susan. She goes above and beyond and has the heartbeat and DNA of the ministry.  Thank you so much for all you do." - Miguel Serrano 

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